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Blizz store/TCG items for gold??

Same happened to my heart of aspects :(
I believe its becus her supplier buys them with illegitamite CCs so the payment declines/dusnt go thru and blizz revokes mount

So this means that it's useless to buy from this person?
I have used this person for a long time. THings have just started crapping out after annual pass came out. I was in trade chat a week or 2 ago and there was someone in trade chat selling gametime for 8k gold a month. I bought 7 codes, all was removed. I bought 3 months RAF off niliu_004 b4 annual pass after a pass came out it was all revoked. As compensation she gave me heart of aspects, that got revoked, as compensation for that she gave 1 month unfreeze code and 1 month raf, 1 month code removed, raf still ther. IMO the seller is completely trustable, its just that the game codes are not bought legitely. (i believe she has a supplier), i think the CCs decline and so the codes get removed. Who knows? they could be stolen, out of credit anything. I probably wont be buying anymore pets or mounts. It will probably be revoked. I might buy 1 month RAF max at a time here and there but thats the most for me, its too risky nowadays.
Theres my opinion and goodluck!
I have used this person for a long time. THings have just started crapping out after annual pass came out. I was in trade chat a week or 2 ago and there was someone in trade chat selling gametime for 8k gold a month. I bought 7 codes, all was removed. I bought 3 months RAF off niliu_004 b4 annual pass after a pass came out it was all revoked. As compensation she gave me heart of aspects, that got revoked, as compensation for that she gave 1 month unfreeze code and 1 month raf, 1 month code removed, raf still ther. IMO the seller is completely trustable, its just that the game codes are not bought legitely. (i believe she has a supplier), i think the CCs decline and so the codes get removed. Who knows? they could be stolen, out of credit anything. I probably wont be buying anymore pets or mounts. It will probably be revoked. I might buy 1 month RAF max at a time here and there but thats the most for me, its too risky nowadays.
Theres my opinion and goodluck!

So she's giving out compensations if it's getting revoked?
Talking with her on skype atm, hopefully I'll make a deal or two soon.
Same happened to my heart of aspects :(
I believe its becus her supplier buys them with illegitamite CCs so the payment declines/dusnt go thru and blizz revokes mount
Bought once Blizzard Store Pets for WoW Gold... Every pet has been deleted after round about 2 days.
I've contacted a GM and he told me, that they had to remove it, as the code has been paid with a stolen credit card.

Since that time I won't buy any pet from such a guy.

Same happened now to some of my gametime I've got from a guy via RAF.
I bought battle chest + WotLK key for 50k gold to upgrade a trial acc earlier today.
Now it has been revoked and the trial acc is closed, still waiting for the email.
kinda sad but 50k on a server i dont play on is still worth to try.
Don't buy stuff for random ppl that are not legit nor he/she is even on this forum. Thing is probably and most likely he/she is using stolen credit cards for the purchases. Thing is u get a pet or a mount and it may all work for a day or two, heck even a week but it will eventually be revoked due to the chargeback on the card and u can't do nothing here. With gamecards its a bit different , if u have an active subscription and buy off one with stolen card it will all be fine until that time starts to actually run(so when ur previous legit time ends) u will get your account frozen and will need to add the same amount of gametime to your account that was previously added by stolen card. Last using character transfer or faction change will be done normally but eventually there will be chargeback and your account will be unable to any future money transactions until u pay for all of the money that chargebacked
So final words if u care for your account DONT buy wow $$$ items for gold for this ridiculous prices(usually heart of the aspect goes for liek 40-60k on y EU high populated server and i did bought one but it was from a guy i did bought many things from), or you may want to ask the seller to send it as a gift from his/hers account to yours or if its done ingame that u will trade only with good geared 85lvl chars(lets say lfr gear so its not some random botted char) from a reputable guild.
From experience never ever buy stuff as serials as for example mountcodes. Because? they can retrieve it any time they suit when they show their receipt they bought it(items,mounts,pets,..) +++++ its illegal to buy serials. Had a loong chat with GM and staffpersonel and thats the conclussion. they only thing u may buy are ingame items.

so there u go
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Same thing i bought a pet.. it got revoked from her. It also took about 30 minutes for me to pay the person. She had me pay someone who was actually buying gold and he was whispering me all this shit about him buying gold and the website and stuff. Super risky.. and my pet is gone.. I will not use this person for anything in the future. Be warned.
^^ got scammed on my fist time buying... dont do it unless he's someone trusted AND willing to refund you if something goes wrong..
She gave me a second mount as compensation, it got removed this morning.. hmm wonder what other option there is..
From experience never ever buy stuff as serials as for example mountcodes. Because? they can retrieve it any time they suit when they show their receipt they bought it(items,mounts,pets,..) +++++ its illegal to buy serials. Had a loong chat with GM and staffpersonel and thats the conclussion. they only thing u may buy are ingame items.

so there u go
It's NOT illegal to buy serials.
Blizzard just won't help you if you get scammed...

My GM told me more than once, that I don't have to be afraid of any penalty.
also bought of her, my pet has been removed this morning, shes offline since tomorrow tho..
funny how you still buy stuff from her.

one says shes legit and is scammed the other morning.

others buy things and post that its revoked.

yet others try it in the hope it will work.

you could better be spending your gold on ironforge noam hookers if you

wanted to throw your money away.

dont buy, easy ... shes not... legit.
ya i posted straight away to aware others, heard she was...seemed like she was legit... but turns out SHE IS NOT LEGIT! so do not bother.
Psh you guys don't know how it works, they use stolen/prepaid credit cards, and when it bounces the items bought with those cards get removed. Just like the RAF gametime they offer.
i've had RAF gametime for 9months+ on several accounts from 1 seller and it was totally fine.. it appears store items are never legit :(
It's NOT illegal to buy serials.
Blizzard just won't help you if you get scammed...

My GM told me more than once, that I don't have to be afraid of any penalty.

its 100% illegal nothing more to say about that. It will get u banned if u get caught buying serials with gold as its not an ingame item... everything u buy whats not ingame = illegal if caught (From GM and helpdesk )

Call Blizz helpdesk about it and reply to this message.

Ok this is from a GM:
"trading gold for codes is a breach of the Terms of Use, and can lead to action being taken against your account, up to and including permanent account closure."
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its 100% illegal nothing more to say about that. It will get u banned if u get caught buying serials with gold as its not an ingame item... everything u buy whats not ingame = illegal if caught (From GM and helpdesk )

Call Blizz helpdesk about it and reply to this message.

Ok this is from a GM:
"trading gold for codes is a breach of the Terms of Use, and can lead to action being taken against your account, up to and including permanent account closure."

This is 100% true. There have been recent blue posts clarifying rumors that it is okay to buy these items with gold. IT IS NOT and Blizzard may or may not take action on your account for making this trade. If I do this, I do it with guildies who need gold as I was scammed by the pre approved trick pretty badly. About 50k then I tried it with someone else and they got me for 8k.

I did, however, find a method to weeding out a scammer from a legit person looking for gold. The
L the, u will do the transaction if it is done your way and request that they GIFT the code to your account directly and allow them to see the receipt of purchase via Skype before you do any trade. This way at least you know the are e ones buying it and if they gift it to you, you can check when the code gets approved for real.
need buy x-53 touring rocket or game time or Scroll of Resurrection's account or Spectral Wind Rider ,Spectral Gryphon contact me :) my skype is niliu_004 my msn is [email protected]:D
Your post is breaking the forum rules, expect a ban or penalty. Also considering many of us in this thread have used your services and ALL of our items have been revoked, that post is useless.