I have used this person for a long time. THings have just started crapping out after annual pass came out. I was in trade chat a week or 2 ago and there was someone in trade chat selling gametime for 8k gold a month. I bought 7 codes, all was removed. I bought 3 months RAF off niliu_004 b4 annual pass after a pass came out it was all revoked. As compensation she gave me heart of aspects, that got revoked, as compensation for that she gave 1 month unfreeze code and 1 month raf, 1 month code removed, raf still ther. IMO the seller is completely trustable, its just that the game codes are not bought legitely. (i believe she has a supplier), i think the CCs decline and so the codes get removed. Who knows? they could be stolen, out of credit anything. I probably wont be buying anymore pets or mounts. It will probably be revoked. I might buy 1 month RAF max at a time here and there but thats the most for me, its too risky nowadays.
Theres my opinion and goodluck!