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Blackmailed by my own Guild

1. Tell them how fucking easy we have it
2. That you can have another 85 in 2 weeks.
3. How much $$$ you earned each week (lie)
4. how fucking retarded they are to still play this 6 year old game.
5. Add a link to Gatherforum.
6. Gquit
7. Xfer
5. wait 1 month and keep on booting.

Learn from your misstake, and Profit.
well i donate my herbs to my guild for flasks since that market is crap.. highest price on stacks of herbs is like 40g... not worth it even botting 24/7, i make all my money with mines. But seriously if the guild master and members are asking for free mats screw them! just gquit and get another account till that one cools down... maybe a month or so...
Yeah I would screen shot them trying to blackmail you, but then again a GM will just tell you to leave guild or suspect you are doing something because you didnt leave guild when they tried to blackmail you. I bot atleast 8 hours a day on my main and im the gleader of a 600 man guild. Ive actually put in message of the day " If I dont respond to you, its cause I dont wanna talk". Alot of the new people think im a jerk, but it works, lol. I have like 10 officers who take care of day to day questions and problems if im not there to take care of something. I would really suggest finding a way to gquit, and maybe send a ticket and just say that they're harassing you
Bot... here is what you do:

tell them to DIAF.

tell them that they will get banned for attempted blackmail.

They will stop. Make sure you put them on ignore.

It wouldn't hurt to pay $10 for a name change, or $25 server change.

Or act stupid and when you get a msg "uh, do i know you?"
name change wont help, if they have you on there friend list it will update with the new name, server change sounds good, research the market and see what other server has a good enough market to move to.
lol, G-quit..
nothing else you can do about it, just dont bot for a while on it.. blizz might check it out, but i think that its just as illegal to blackmail as it is to bot :D
They haven't added me.

However, if I name change and they report my old name, will the GMs know to investigate my renamed toon?

Also, the guild is almost always filled with people (because they mass-recruit) so when I leave, a lot of people will see it.
I'm using BadBoy Levels Addon for that. I changed the needed lvl to 86 and changed the reply that he has to be in my friend list if he wants to whisper with me. So everyone (also guys of my guild) get this message when they try to whisper. And I simply told them that I turned of Guild chat because I don't wanna get spammed^^ That's my way how I prevent stupid questions. And most important thing is always bot at about the same time that they think it's just normal for you to play at that time^^
It's much easier if ppl know you bot and it benefits the guild.

I've gotten the guild the fishing recipe, and i've bought the 7th bank tab and will buy the 8th as well. I've also deposited a lot of fish into the guild.

Why? It's because I really enjoy my guild. I've also given the tanks 3 stacks of stamina flasks each (we have 6 tanks). I have 1.5 million gold on my main acct, so I can throw it around if I want ;)
Haha, one of the members just gave me their "last warning."
Just tell him in return, report me. He will also see that you guys have tryed to blackmail me and u'll recieve the same ban as I do. He will chicken out and go cry for the credit card to his parents to buy gold
Should I just open a ticket for harassment and not bot on the account for a while? I don't see inactivity as a loss but I see a lost account as a HUGE loss.
I wouldnt have opened a ticket, but I would have told them u would if they putted in a ticket, the GM might look further into it I dno, but hey u know blizz. They're some lazy peeps
Do you have anything to gain from fighting with them? Guild quit, name change then lay low for a few weeks. Problem solved.
i always donate 10% to my guild, so they love me... Never had issues, they even talked to a GM for me telling him that i'm learning german and probably just didn't understand him :P Got my acc back and an excuse from Blizz telling they love to hear their game is teaching foreign languages to people. (And my german is much better than my english ever was...)

I laughed my Ass off (and no, i won't tell you my Acc- or Guild-Name :P)