If it matters, this is the first time posting a reply to any thread and I am two weeks new to HonorBuddy. Please take that into consideration while I address my concerns/comments/questions.
Foremost, I am on the 1 day Trial version. Secondly, I am full 675 (PvP ilvl) BM hunter. Lastly, I have used this bot for about 12 hours as of now, observing 7ish hours of it's play.
Anyhow, the advertisement for this Bot Base mentions "1000+ Conqueror Per Hour", however I am getting 100-150 on average. I went through forums and changed some options upon recommendations for Ashran only and still getting 100-150 per hour. It farms NPC's accros a fairly wide range, but only does the one event at the beginning base if it is close. Doesn't follow party or leaders or accept Ashran que (must manually be accepted). That is just Ashran.
When it comes to Random BG's, I assumed that this Bot with extra features and options would "not" plunge itself into a 15v1 combat situation. However, it doesn't go straight into the masses like other bots do, but circles around some mountains and trees, then dives into the masses attacking plate. This bot does fairly well on two BG's that I have seen, those being 'Twink Peaks' and 'Eye of the Storm', it is strongly objective based and efficient in attacking enemy cap'ers. It almost does really well with 'Silvershard Mines' and 'Isle of Conquest', but falls short with SM by not attacking the tanks and grabbing buffs with no enemies in sight. IoC, falls short by picking up bombs, but not doing anything with them, in addition to not attacking Machines and staying in front of boat to attack, but not attacking and mounting to ride to the gates when enemies may or may not be there. Others like AV, WS, AB, ToK, SotA, I simply notice non-objective goal botting. I even strangely attack plate and blood dk's over healers and cloth in all events. In order of my opinionated priorities I see this bot attack, it goes; Warrior's > DK's > Hunter's > Druid's (Guardians/Feral) > Holy Paladins > Other's. Coincedence? I have no idea, but that is the pattern I clearly see. Not sure if it intended or not. I only address these observations/opinions because the advertisement for this Bot mentions "It wants to win games..."
I apologize deeply if the developers, writers, critics or fan-boys consider this a flame post, but with great respect I don't know how to communicate otherwise my concerns. I personally must be objective if I am to invest/spend my money, and as you can hopefully see I am taking notes and observing hours of AFK material in the hopes of giving it a fair and just opinion. I understand that nothing is perfect and "you can't please everyone" concepts, but again trying to see if the advertisements and shortcomings to them is worth that lump sum. I still have 10-12 hours of my trial. If some if not most of these dilemmas can be changed with options, please link a post or literally give specifics on what to change, and I will do them. I am greatly more optimistic than pessimistic and would love to give this bot a more in depth experience, please help me do that if possible. Thank You.
With Respect