trying to have 2 toons queue together, but after the first game they get separated into diff games/queues. Any ideas what i could be doing wrong?
Sounds like you've got your second toon set to queue up for a BG. Set the second toon queue options to be None.
I love the product that you have created!
Running BGfarmer with Tuanha Paid CR's
It is a solid bot base however I don't feel that it supports healers well. It tries to solo assault objectives instead of backing up the team. Once in combat in a solo situation will just stand in place and cast self healing till the end of time, I have had no luck with the kite function and it really looks suspicious a solo healer running up to a guarded objective. It also works around keeping the targeted enemy player at a set distance rather then following allies to heal.
The reason I am running a healer is the Noob factor in Bg's. I have found the win rate sky rockets when playing as a healer rather then dps
Healers need a little work I agree. I'm planning on adding options for what to do in base defence games, and add in follow the largest battle.
Agree,same on my druid,capping guarded places.and also try to cap stoneheart grave in av etc etc,it's a nice bot,it only needs to be polished.
Also and this is very important(this is with all toons) 'the bot likes to run/attack full combat groups (4/5 people),that's an insta kill,and that happens a lot.
And leaving flag's when you're suppose to defend it,That was a lot in AB (ally)
It doesn't have any code in to try and capture GYs.
Running into large groups -> try reducing your targeting range down from the default 60, to 30-40.
It should never leave bases undefended. If someone else is defending, the bot will move on.
Issues I have noticed
3 small steps before it mounts. (I've seen other players do the exact same thing next me lol)
Healers- like others have said. would be cool if healer then follow a warrior or dk or whatever auto or scan for where fighting is happening and support. It does look funny when you assault a place and just stand and heal.
Sometimes it will get stuck between objectives as it can't decide which one to goto. dunno if it is spawners or what messing with it
In mines and wsg you can always tell the bots when they drop down the ledge and turn around and backtrack to a spot..then turn around again and go on like normal
The water navigation drives me nuts. it would rather hop around in the water taking 3 times as long than if it just went around on a mount.
AV it will stay in burning towers after capped waiting for final boss to be engaged?(this is probably better than standing on the lil hill like everyone does though) Anyway to force it to jump down from all towers when capped? most players will never run down the way they go up.
Mines it needs to try to stay within circle distance of the carts
I have geared 9+ lvl 100's with this and for the most part this is great. One of the best buys around.
Numerous times I have had the most kills, highest dmg and so on. I should just play my rogue and stealth around each map and blacklist a bunch of stuff but I am afraid I will break how it works otherwise by closing off area's of the maps. Right now I just use the default blacklist file.
Stuck between objectives -> Would need a log for this.
SM and WSG running backwards -> Know about this, but no easy fix. I do have a plan though.
Water Nav -> Yeah know about the jumping about, it's because it thinks it's stuck so the bot starts jumping to unstuck. I may be able to do something about it though.
AV jumping out of towers -> Not easily, but if my SM and WSG plan works then I can probably do it.
SM -> It stays near the cart until it gets into combat. Once in combat the combat routines are given control to try and kill the target.
I love your routines, and this botbase bgfarmer ! Thank you so much Millz!
may i know do you intend to add more options e.g, capping flag for EoTs etc?
May I know does the Chat specifics like Inc %base%, does it call out for ALL Bgs? Or only specific BGs?
Flag capping in EotS will be added eventually, but not high priority at the moment.
Calling incoming only works in base defending/domination games (arathi basin, eots, BfG etc).