[MoveTowards] Moving towards The Grand Arena at {1541, 1610} (distance: 347)
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1641, 1294}
[TaskManager::AddAtFront] Now adding [NewEquipItem] This task replace a selected item, and handle Gem Replacement..
[CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
[TaskManager::Remove] Now removing [NewEquipItem].
[NewEquipItem] Remove NewEquipItem success.
[MoveTowards] Moving towards The Grand Arena at {1541, 1610} (distance: 306)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards The Grand Arena at {1541, 1610} (distance: 256)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards The Grand Arena at {1541, 1610} (distance: 231)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards The Grand Arena at {1541, 1610} (distance: 194)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards The Grand Arena at {1541, 1610} (distance: 155)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards The Grand Arena at {1541, 1610} (distance: 114)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards The Grand Arena at {1541, 1610} (distance: 76)
[PostCombatHookTask] "GemLevelerPro" returned true.
[MoveTowards] Moving towards The Grand Arena at {1541, 1610} (distance: 36)
[UseAt] 3 False {1542, 1599}
[TakeTransition] Now going to enter "The Grand Arena".
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1557, 1605}
[InjectKeyEvent] 5 ms sleep for 2.
[UseAt] 3 False {1561, 1608}
[InjectKeyEvent] 36 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 106 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 224 ms for the action to finish Move.
[Interact] Now going to interact with "The Grand Arena".
[InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 285.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 285.
[LatencyWait] Now sleeping 118 ms.
[Interact] "The Grand Arena" has been successfully interacted.
[WaitFor] Waiting for area change (0,51/30)
[WaitFor] Waiting for area change (1,01/30)
[WaitFor] Waiting for area change (2,8/30)
[ExilePather] Now reloading the pathfinder.
[12,3853 ms] Layer0 + UnblockTriggerableBlockages
[ExilePather] Now creating the navmesh.
[1584,4424 ms] ProcessEntireZone
[ExilePather] The navmesh has been created.
[ExilePather] The pathfinder has been reloaded.
[GridExplorer] AutoResetOnAreaChange is being set to True.
[GridExplorer] TileKnownRadius is being set to 7.
[GridExplorer] TileSeenRadius is being set to 5.
[GridExplorer] AutoResetOnAreaChange is being set to False.
[GridExplorer] TileSeenRadius is being set to 4.
[CombatAreaCache] Creating cache for "The Grand Arena".
[GridExplorer] Now segmenting the current area.
[GridExplorer] Area segmentation complete 00:00:01.1600629.
[TaskManager::AddAtFront] Now adding [NewEquipItem] This task replace a selected item, and handle Gem Replacement..
[WaitFor] Waiting for area change (6,3/30)
[TakeTransition] "The Grand Arena" has been successfully entered.
[CommonEvents] core_area_changed_event
[AreaChanged] Daresso's Dream -> The Grand Arena
[ErrorManager] Error count has been reset.
[CombatAreaChanged] Daresso's Dream -> The Grand Arena
[GemLeveler] Now resetting task state.
[TaskManager::Remove] Now removing [NewEquipItem].
[NewEquipItem] Remove NewEquipItem success.
[PostCombatHookTask] "GemLevelerPro" returned true.
[FindWaypoint] Found 1 waypoint tgts.
[FindWaypoint] Waypoint tgt at {759, 345} (distance: 140) is walkable.
Registering "Waypoint" at {759, 345} (distance: 140)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Waypoint at {759, 345} (distance: 140)
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {770, 220}
[TaskManager::AddAtFront] Now adding [NewEquipItem] This task replace a selected item, and handle Gem Replacement..
[TaskManager::Remove] Now removing [NewEquipItem].
[NewEquipItem] Remove NewEquipItem success.
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Waypoint at {759, 345} (distance: 104)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Waypoint at {759, 345} (distance: 64)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Waypoint at {759, 345} (distance: 26)
[UseAt] 3 False {761, 336}
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {765, 345}
[InjectKeyEvent] 58 ms sleep for 2.
[UseAt] 3 False {768, 354}
[InjectKeyEvent] 87 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 106 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 213 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 320 ms for the action to finish Move.
[Interact] Now going to interact with "Waypoint".
[InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 599.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 599.
[LatencyWait] Now sleeping 115 ms.
[Interact] "Waypoint" has been successfully interacted.
[CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
[The King of Desire] "Take Grand Arena waypoint" -> "Kill Daresso"
[QuestManager] Quest state has been successfully saved (27,1).
[KingOfDesire] Current arena floor: 1
[FindAll] Found total 8 tgt(s) with name "colosseum_entrance_v0?_0?_c2r1.tgt".
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Now trying to find walkable position for {897, 529} (distance: 211)
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Walkable position for {897, 529} (distance: 211) has been found.
Registering "Next arena level" at {897, 529} (distance: 211)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Next arena level at {897, 529} (distance: 211)
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {786, 363}
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Next arena level at {897, 529} (distance: 189)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Next arena level at {897, 529} (distance: 173)
[PostCombatHookTask] "GemLevelerPro" returned true.
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Next arena level at {897, 529} (distance: 147)
[Logic] Now moving towards {891, 379} because [dist (20) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {889, 386}
[Logic] Now moving towards {891, 379} because [dist (25) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {890, 391}
[InjectKeyEvent] 112 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {891, 379} because [dist (28) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {891, 379} because [dist (26) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {891, 379} because [dist (23) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {893, 389}
[Logic] Now moving towards {891, 379} because [dist (19) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {891, 384}
[InjectKeyEvent] 113 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {891, 379}
[Logic] Now moving towards {907, 379} because [dist (16) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {905, 380}
[Logic] Now moving towards {907, 379} because [dist (14) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {905, 379}
[InjectKeyEvent] 100 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 118 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 223 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 331 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {907, 379}
[Logic] Now moving towards {891, 379} because [dist (20) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {895, 378}
[Logic] Now moving towards {891, 379} because [dist (19) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {895, 376}
[InjectKeyEvent] 137 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 102 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 209 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {891, 379}
[Logic] Now moving towards {899, 358} because [dist (19) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {895, 361}
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Earthquake.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 101 ms for the action to finish Earthquake.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {891, 380}
[Logic] Now moving towards {910, 414} because [dist (44) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {895, 388}
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Earthquake.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 104 ms for the action to finish Earthquake.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 213 ms for the action to finish Earthquake.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {891, 380}
[Logic] Now moving towards {903, 400} because [dist (28) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {897, 389}
[Logic] Now moving towards {901, 398} because [dist (25) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {900, 395} because [dist (22) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {894, 388}
[InjectKeyEvent] 30 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {894, 418} because [dist (43) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {891, 387}
[InjectKeyEvent] 108 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {894, 411} because [dist (34) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {894, 409} because [dist (29) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {894, 406} because [dist (23) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {893, 399}
[Logic] Now moving towards {894, 402} because [dist (14) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {893, 404}
[InjectKeyEvent] 110 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 104 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 212 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 319 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 439 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {894, 401}
[PostCombatHookTask] "GemLevelerPro" returned true.
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Next arena level at {897, 529} (distance: 119)
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {896, 426}
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Next arena level at {897, 529} (distance: 82)
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Next arena level at {897, 529} (distance: 45)
[UseAt] 3 False {895, 521}
[TakeTransition] Now going to enter "Arena".
[UseAt] 3 False {903, 528}
[InjectKeyEvent] 60 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 107 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 213 ms for the action to finish Move.
[Interact] Now going to interact with "Arena".
[InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 610.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 610.
[LatencyWait] Now sleeping 118 ms.
[Interact] "Arena" has been successfully interacted.
[WaitFor] Waiting for local portal (0,1/5)
[OpenChestTask] Registering "Armourer's Strongbox" at {1544, 1011} (distance: 127)
[WaitFor] Waiting for local portal (0,21/5)
[TakeTransition] "Arena" has been successfully entered.
[KingOfDesire] Current arena floor: 2
[FindAll] Found total 3 tgt(s) with name "colosseum_wall_door_v0?_0?_c3r2.tgt".
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Now trying to find walkable position for {575, 1173} (distance: 1102)
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Walkable position for {575, 1173} (distance: 1102) has not been found.
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Now trying to find walkable position for {1679, 2415} (distance: 1381)
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Walkable position for {1679, 2415} (distance: 1381) has not been found.
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Now trying to find walkable position for {437, 2277} (distance: 1750)
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Walkable position for {437, 2277} (distance: 1750) has not been found.
[TgtPosition] Fail to find position for "colosseum_wall_door_v0?_0?_c3r2.tgt". Type: Closest.
[StuckDetection] {889, 375} => 2
[StuckDetection] bounds: {911, 807}
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {1664, 1042}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1638, 1072} because [dist (49) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1657, 1047}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1642, 1068} because [dist (40) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1643, 1067} because [dist (36) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1644, 1066} because [dist (35) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1645, 1065} because [dist (34) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1647, 1063} because [dist (31) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1647, 1062} because [dist (30) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1649, 1060} because [dist (27) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (62) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1650, 1059} because [dist (26) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (61) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (59) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (55) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (52) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (48) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (46) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (43) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (40) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 101 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 211 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 314 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {1648, 1059}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (22) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1632, 1081}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (21) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1632, 1081}
[InjectKeyEvent] 110 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1628, 1088} because [dist (13) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1630, 1090}
[InjectKeyEvent] 136 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 126 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 233 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {1628, 1088}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1078} because [dist (24) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1613, 1085}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1078} because [dist (24) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1613, 1082}
[InjectKeyEvent] 136 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1078} because [dist (24) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1617, 1085}
[InjectKeyEvent] 138 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1078} because [dist (24) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1615, 1082}
[InjectKeyEvent] 109 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1078} because [dist (19) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1614, 1082}
[InjectKeyEvent] 84 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1585, 1060} because [dist (42) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1608, 1074}
[InjectKeyEvent] 108 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1591, 1065} because [dist (26) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1591, 1065} because [dist (23) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1599, 1073}
[InjectKeyEvent] 28 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1591, 1065} because [dist (20) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1594, 1070}
[InjectKeyEvent] 84 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1591, 1065} because [dist (14) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1591, 1064}
[InjectKeyEvent] 137 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 101 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 206 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 313 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 423 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 526 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 638 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {1591, 1065}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1613, 1082} because [dist (32) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1599, 1073}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1613, 1082} because [dist (32) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1613, 1082} because [dist (30) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1613, 1082} because [dist (28) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1613, 1082} because [dist (27) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1613, 1082} because [dist (25) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1613, 1082} because [dist (23) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1607, 1077}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1612, 1081} because [dist (19) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1608, 1079}
[InjectKeyEvent] 110 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1612, 1081} because [dist (11) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1613, 1080}
[InjectKeyEvent] 109 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 110 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 218 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 323 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 443 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 563 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 671 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {1612, 1081}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1606, 1068} because [dist (17) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1608, 1072}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1608, 1071} because [dist (13) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1610, 1073}
[InjectKeyEvent] 110 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1588, 1054} because [dist (39) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1606, 1073}
[InjectKeyEvent] 109 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1590, 1062} because [dist (32) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1590, 1064} because [dist (29) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1590, 1066} because [dist (26) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1579, 1063} because [dist (33) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1577, 1062} because [dist (33) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1575, 1061} because [dist (34) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1572, 1059} because [dist (35) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1570, 1058} because [dist (36) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1569, 1057} because [dist (35) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1566, 1055} because [dist (36) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1563, 1054} because [dist (38) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1561, 1053} because [dist (37) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1558, 1051} because [dist (38) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1560, 1053} because [dist (33) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1560, 1053} because [dist (32) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1560, 1053} because [dist (31) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1560, 1053} because [dist (27) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1560, 1053} because [dist (25) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1560, 1053} because [dist (24) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1568, 1057}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1560, 1053} because [dist (21) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1563, 1054}
[InjectKeyEvent] 137 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1560, 1053} because [dist (13) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1561, 1052}
[InjectKeyEvent] 96 ms sleep for 2.
[DisableAlwaysHiglight] Now disabling Always Highlight to avoid skill use issues.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 107 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 212 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 319 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 426 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 533 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {1560, 1053}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1587, 1065} because [dist (32) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1571, 1059}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1587, 1065} because [dist (32) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1579, 1040} because [dist (25) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1577, 1041} because [dist (22) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1568, 1044}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1577, 1041} because [dist (22) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1570, 1045}
[InjectKeyEvent] 137 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1577, 1041} because [dist (21) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1572, 1043}
[InjectKeyEvent] 136 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1611, 1021} because [dist (54) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1576, 1038}
[InjectKeyEvent] 85 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1605, 1025} because [dist (41) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1604, 1025} because [dist (38) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1602, 1027} because [dist (34) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 106 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 210 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 314 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {1578, 1041}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1600, 1028} because [dist (17) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1601, 1026}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1600, 1028} because [dist (14) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1599, 1026}
[InjectKeyEvent] 138 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 126 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 231 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 337 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {1600, 1028}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1592, 1032} because [dist (15) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1594, 1033}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1611, 1094} because [dist (68) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1608, 1040}
[InjectKeyEvent] 139 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1610, 1085} because [dist (57) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1610, 1082} because [dist (51) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1610, 1080} because [dist (46) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1076} because [dist (38) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1076} because [dist (36) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1076} because [dist (34) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1076} because [dist (31) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1076} because [dist (30) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1076} because [dist (28) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1076} because [dist (25) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1076} because [dist (23) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1609, 1068}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1076} because [dist (20) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1606, 1069}
[InjectKeyEvent] 109 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1609, 1076} because [dist (13) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1608, 1077}
[InjectKeyEvent] 85 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 129 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 235 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 340 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 473 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 580 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {1609, 1076}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1585, 1053} because [dist (35) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1596, 1069}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1587, 1055} because [dist (32) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1588, 1057} because [dist (30) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1589, 1058} because [dist (29) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1591, 1060} because [dist (26) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1592, 1062} because [dist (24) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1598, 1070}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1607, 1043} because [dist (36) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1608, 1064}
[InjectKeyEvent] 111 ms sleep for 2.
[Logic] Now moving towards {1607, 1043} because [dist (30) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1607, 1043} because [dist (29) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1607, 1043} because [dist (27) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1607, 1043} because [dist (25) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1607, 1043} because [dist (23) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1604, 1052}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1593, 1062} because [dist (11) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1595, 1063}
[InjectKeyEvent] 112 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {1593, 1062}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1601, 1013} because [dist (47) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1600, 1044}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1601, 1010} because [dist (50) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1600, 1006} because [dist (50) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1600, 1006} because [dist (48) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1600, 1007} because [dist (45) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1600, 1010} because [dist (40) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1600, 1013} because [dist (34) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1600, 1015} because [dist (30) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1600, 1018} because [dist (25) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[Logic] Now moving towards {1600, 1021} because [dist (20) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1597, 1026}
[Logic] Now moving towards {1600, 1024} because [dist (15) > MaxMeleeRange (10)]
[UseAt] 3 False {1600, 1023}
[InjectKeyEvent] 151 ms sleep for 2.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 102 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 209 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 315 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 422 ms for the action to finish Move.
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 529 ms for the action to finish Move.
[BeginUseAt] 4 False {1600, 1026}
[StuckDetection] {1615, 1083} => 3
[StuckDetection] {1601, 1019} => 6
[StuckDetection] bounds: {112, 76}
[EnableAlwaysHiglight] Now enabling Always Highlight.
[PostCombatHookTask] "GemLevelerPro" returned true.
[MoveTowards] Moving towards Armourer's Strongbox at {1544, 1011} (distance: 57)
[BeginUseAt] 3 False {1584, 1017}
[UseAt] 3 False {1553, 1011}
[Interact] Now going to interact with "Armourer's Strongbox".
[FinishCurrentAction] Waited 0 ms for the action to finish Move.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to highlight 753.
[InteractWith] Now attempting to interact with 753.
[LatencyWait] Now sleeping 117 ms.
[Interact] "Armourer's Strongbox" has been successfully interacted.
[FindAll] Found total 3 tgt(s) with name "colosseum_wall_door_v0?_0?_c3r2.tgt".
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Now trying to find walkable position for {575, 1173} (distance: 987)
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Walkable position for {575, 1173} (distance: 987) has not been found.
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Now trying to find walkable position for {1679, 2415} (distance: 1410)
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Walkable position for {1679, 2415} (distance: 1410) has not been found.
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Now trying to find walkable position for {437, 2277} (distance: 1685)
[FindFirstWalkablePosition] Walkable position for {437, 2277} (distance: 1685) has not been found.
[TgtPosition] Fail to find position for "colosseum_wall_door_v0?_0?_c3r2.tgt". Type: Closest.
[CRITICAL ERROR] Now requesting bot to stop.
[Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.