I think you extracted the zip archive to create a text file, right? Delete it then (archive). You cannot have both .zip and folder of the same content.
I mean, ensure that you have deleted the zip archive from 3rdParty folder. You can have only zip OR folder, not both. Otherwise they will overwrite each other.What do you mean? I manually created the QuestProgress.txt file and placed it where I see it in the picture. When my bot compiles on startup it erases that file.
I mean, ensure that you have deleted the zip archive from 3rdParty folder. You can have only zip OR folder, not both. Otherwise they will overwrite each other.
You got it wrong. You have to set quest and stage id manually only once and only if you have a character that already made some progress through the game. Bot automatically saves it's quest progress, you do not have to update QuestProgress.txt after every bot restart.I was able to figure it out after you responded. I didn't realize the file had to go in the main QuestBot folder after extracting, not the one inside the _CONFIG_ folder. Once you add a GUI dropdown menu or some way of typing in the numbers it'll make it easier instead of manually restarting the bot constantly to get the quests in order. Chances are there'll be more people that won't be straight from level 1 than will as many will stop the bot at some point whether to go to sleep, it crashes, or something else happens.
Nice to see some progress on the quest bot Exvault.
My question is, even though now a BETA, are there plans to improve it further and make the bot detect quest state automatically and select which quests we want done and which not in the future?
Thanks for your bug reports. This error does not completely originate from QuestBot. Pushedx will release a new bot version with fix soon.