Hi lii,Hey highvoltz. Firstly, I would like to thank you for all of your hard work on this. It is very much appreciated.
I just had a few ideas as far as improvement of the profile:
1) A CancelAuction Sub before running the PostAuction Sub (whilst leaving any auctions not undercut since last posting). One might also limit postings exclusively to the specified stack size. These coupled with the "amount" attribute would help to maintain a low profile on the AH.
2) GB depositing of items not posted to the AH. This could be implemented directly before switching back to the farmer.
3) Item tracking in bags as well as in the guild bank. I know this would probably require a small database of sorts, or perhaps the use of an addon such as TradeSkillMaster, but this would help to determine which ore/herbs need to be farmed based upon current stock. This leads me to the next suggestion..
4) Zone profiling based upon stock needs. Farming for what needs to be stocked would greatly improve efficiency. This could be furthered to adjustment of GB2's node list, though I am unaware of how difficult that might be.
By no means do I expect you to do these things. These are merely little things I've noticed whilst using your wonderful profile. Thanks again.
Some nice ideas. Currently I got my hands full so no promises if or when I'll add any of them.
3) PB can import data from the WoW addon called DataStore which comes with Altocholic. If plugin is installed it imports the data on startup, but a profile can refresh the imported data by running RefreshDataStore() from within a CustomAction. TradeSkillMaster's database isn't as complete as DataStores (Items in mail or posted on AH aren't recorded afaik)
My goal is to keep this profile simple enough so the average forum user can use it and be able to modify it to their own personal needs.
thanks for the feedback.
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