Are you doing just herbing, mining, or both? I think mining takes longer, but should I just leave both enabled?
I did the same, it's stable gold (as long as you don't get banned).
Trying out different profiles, I noticed Outland, Wrath and MoP ore is selling extremely well on my server. Also The Arcane Crystal (from mining Thorium) sells like sweet cookies. I make approx 20-25k per day per bot and have 5 running atm. Playing on a Medium populated server helps too since I can control the market on the items I farm.
There's literally hundreds of ways to make gold, it's all up to if you want the RNG of the drops (aka Transmog) or you want to get banned fast (suicide botting dungeons) or want something else. I try out different things almost every day, preferably with the cheaper MoP accounts (since I don't want to pay for the WoD part) to get as much profit out of them before they eventually get banned.
It's inevitable your bot(s) will get banned eventually, it's all up to the risk you wish to take vs. the gold (reward) you get/make.
If you need more information or need some tips on "other" ways to make gold, I'm glad to write down different ways I approach goldmaking, all depending on the amount of time you want to invest yourself. There's hundreds of good profiles on here, even from outdated/old content which still work and can make you insane amounts of gold, as opposed to the profiles everyone uses for current content (see Tanaan and WoD ) stuff.
This were my 2 cents on what's going on in this thread, but it's all up to the individual and how you want to handle making gold.