City of London (Museum of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, St Bartholomew's Hospital)
750 metres - Radius
21 km/h - Bike Speed
23k - Exp/h
Excellent for Pokestops, fill your bags quickly.
Excellent for Ditto Candy.
Good for dust, due to huge amounts of Rattata, Pidgey and Spearow.
Good area for Mr Mime.
Pretty much all you catch is Pidgey, Rattata and Spearow, so not great for rare pokemon, except Ditto.
Hyde Park / Kensington Gardens London
750 metres - Radius
21 km/h - Bike Speed
15k - Exp/h
Growlithe / Poliwag nest
Good for Xmas Hat Pikachus with high IV
Good area for lots of different type of Pokemon Jynx, Magicarp, Nidoran (M+F), Krabby etc.
Lots of traveling, good for hatching eggs.
"Can" be an item burner, and use a lot of Pokeballs, spread out grass land, with a river.
Blue Water Shopping Mall, River Thames, Near London
Don't log in your main here, and lock it in. However log a scout account in and have a look around as this place "can" be good for Lickitung, Hitmonlee, and Hitmonchan.
New York, Central Park, USA
Altitude: 26
Bulbasaur nest, good for Tauros.
Still probably the best place in the game.
Santa Monica Pier , Los Angeles, USA
Dratini, Fossil, Ground, Rock Pokemon.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (UTC+11 Time Zone)
Altitude: 25
750 Meter Radius
Can pick up Kanghaskhan here.
Expect to catch: Krabby, Nidoran (female), Poliwag, Goldeen, and Staryu
fairly often. You may also occasionally get Weedle, Zubat, Venonat, Squirtle,
Spearow, Sandshrew, Pinsir, Oddish, Meowth, Kakuna, Horsea, Scyther,
Exeggcute, Ekans, Eevee, Dodrio, Bellsprout, Nidorian (male).
Rare spawns: Omanyte, Growlithe, Ponyta, Doduo
Miyagi, Tohoku, Japan (UTC+9 Time Zone)
Altitude: 15
200 metres
Can pick up Farfetch'd here.
This location has a large mix of random Pokemon including:
Oddish, Rhydon, Venonat, Geodude, Krabby, Eevee, Caterpie, Nidorian, Pidgey, Spearow, Weedle,
Kakuna, Drowzee, Mankey, Bellsprout, Gastly, Goldbat, Shellder, Meowth, Paras, Rattata, Abra,
Clefairy, Lapras, Squirtle