Never heard of mmoga and never sell on ebay since it's against there TOS and your post gets deleted. But every trusted site selling on the US realms are going anywhere from 30-50 USD for 1 mil. I just checked that site and 1 mil is 20 USD. That seems way to good to be true. But I sold 3 mil today for 33 USD/mil. Eather way 1 mil 3 weeks ago was $12 on offgamers it's like 40 now. Something bad must have happened. but good for me.
hm if u think so why should my post get deleted?! because it is against your opinion?!
mmoga is more than common here in europe, even if they are silly chinese bastards as every other company but they are common if it comes to virtual goods... and further you also called a website (offgamers in case) so where is the difference?!
and as i said it is not only mmoga, every "ebay common" company sells it for that price or even lower, "private sellers" do even undercut that prices by 20% to 30%, and that is a simple fact proven within 3 minutes of search and not to discuss about...
and yeah "never do thinks that are against TOS" really really and i mean really do matter on a bot forum... seriously really!
oh an btw selling stuff on a private basis is not against the swtor TOS?! can not believe that, i am to lazy to scroll them through but i doubt they say like selling services, items, accsharing.... is forbidden via ebay only!
to make it clear, maybe you will get some $ out of swtor in US then, but in europe absolutly no chance to get higher or just even prices than mmoga charges.
and that is it from me, i was just opening the horizon if it comes to other mmos and the chance to make bucks out of them,
since some people even lack of checking on ebay in the first place for a possible outcome...
same goes for silkroad if i look at the ebay prices, i would not want to log on a char and trade stuff for 3 euros,
not even counting the work and grey-costs behind it.
finaly i am not here to feed the troll or discuss if various websites are trustworthy or not...