thanks for letting me know i will look in to this, for now tho u can delete them from ur protected list
edit does it sell the at the vendor mount? does it sell them at the npc vendor ?
I checked in on the bot when it was mailing and NPC vendoring, sold every junk item/epics except for the food and water.
edit; It does sell the food and water to mount vendor.
your profile of Crafts Bolts and Keeps Greens sold everything... including greens, epics, savage bloods and Sumptuous furs and Gorgrond flytraps.. even after setting the Sell White to False... I took out the protected items now to see if that fixes it.
[FlyTo-v1987(fatal)] Toon doesn't have flying capability in this area, and there is no ground path to the destination. Please learn the flying skill appropriate for this area.
Hi Delza
When my warrior finished the first run, it created some embersilk bolts, and then this error message popped up.
Please advise.
[Singular] ... Raid using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[Azyul Navigator]: No new nav updates detected, continuing profile.
[InstanceTimer-v2005(error)] PROFILE ERROR: You must start the timer (by setting Timer="Start") first before checking the timer.
[Ref: "Bastion of Twilight Trash Farm" @line 567]
[InstanceTimer-v2005(error) @line 567]: Stopping Honorbuddy. Please repair the profile!
Bot stopping! Reason: Profile has too many errors
thank you very much for the profile, it is good! But i met some problems. my character jump off the edge and stuck at some point sometime. i check the logs and find out that, when my character try to move out the instance, the WOW says instance not found, so the character stay in the instance. But the profile though it is moving out. after than, the profile try to move into the instance, but actually the character moves out the instance. since it's outside instance, the profile still follow the coordinate inside the instance. it jumps off the edge.
i also upload my logs
i think the bug starts from
[11:29:49.497 D] Clearing POI - Reason Finished looting
can you fix this jumping off problem, or add some code to fix the stuck problem.