This is to inform you that action has been taken against your account. Please read on for further information about the action taken, and more details regarding the reason: Account Name: ****
World of Warcraft Account Name: ****
Account Action: Suspension (72 Hours, Final Warning)
Circumventing normal game mechanics has a negative impact on the game experience of other customers.
Type of Violation: Exploitation
Category of Violation: Third Party Program
Character Name Involved:
Right now the only bot people really use is HB. There really isnt an alternative.
I've done some BG farming, both manually and botting and the amounts of botters is insane.
Add to that the fact that they're really easy to spot, I think we have a problem.
I think it's fair to assume that Blizzard has bought HB and is monitoring which profiles and plugins are popular.
This means that Blizz knows which patterns for example most popular profile for gathering is, making it only a matter of
(for example) monitoring servers to find which players are behaving in a certain way.
The servers seem flooded with bots atm (my guesstimate is that 60-70% of my wow friends bot), which is forcing Blizz to take action.
Thats ok, but I really feel like it's too easy for Blizz to spot the botters.
Oh and the thread about the guy getting banned by association scared the living shit out of me.
If (when) my botting account gets banned, I see no reason whatsoever why Blizz wouldnt also ban my main account by association.
And Im guessing im not the only one who feels like that.
Thanks for reading.
So we need Bossland post about this. HB is safe now?
I totally agree to this. Banwaves occured in wow, yes. How many subscribers did they have at that time? We were over the 10 millions, we are not anymore. Now they NEED us to keep their numbers high. They want our money and they want to have as many users as possible. As said by others, I doubt a bot who do not affect wow economy is going to be banned. I doubt they have "anti-botting" unity that is fighting us. I think they wait for people to complain and then, they investigate.
Banwaves for HB, I doubt it. Many of us are modifying the bot to look how we feel it should. To use path we would use. HB implemented a lot of things to make our bots look more human and as lotrodude said, many players would not know how to identify if someone is botting even under their very eyes.
Bans, yes, can appeal, yes, banwaves, no.
Blizzard wont ban you, or do any mass ban wave.
Can they afford to lose 80% of their subscribers?
NO because then they will have to get real jobs
My noob friend, there is no ban wave incoming. you would be amazed on how many people actually report you. you must have a lot of friends also.. also most of those reports are your fellow botters themselves
But 80% use bot minimum 1 time in life. Minimum.I seriously doubt 80% of the subs are botters .. I'd say 25% at best
I bet you cant see the irony of you calling me a noob, when you dont know that % has nothing to do with numbers in absolute terms.My noob friend, there is no ban wave incoming. you would be amazed on how many people actually report you. you must have a lot of friends also.. also most of those reports are your fellow botters themselves
4-5 hrs
My noob friend, there is no ban wave incoming. you would be amazed on how many people actually report you. you must have a lot of friends also.. also most of those reports are your fellow botters themselves
No offense, but I could not help but laugh when I read this. What real life person is going to stand in the same place and fish for one solid hour, much less 4-5 hours? You probably got reported at least a dozen times.
This is especially true of GB! I cannot tell u how many times Ive been pst'd by another HB user threating to report me because I took their node. They knew it was HB because they were doing the same thing, on the same path, just upset I was a druid and could herb faster and without dismount. This is only made worse with x-realm. No botter should report another botter! That's just stupid! You are only asking for a ban yourself!
No offense, but I could not help but laugh when I read this. What real life person is going to stand in the same place and fish for one solid hour, much less 4-5 hours? You probably got reported at least a dozen times.