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5 yesterday for me they left me with 1 account i think they do that on purpose now ..... 6 accounts were botting and leave me with 1 the pricks haha
took a hit as well, but nothing unexpected. A real ban wave would have taken out all accounts that have been botted. This seems more like they finally got around to delivering bans they've been tallying up for a short while.
4 out of 6 accounts banned today after the maintenence.... first time ever i lost accounts.

i just moved from 5 to 6 bots on the same pc, could that be the reason? i read that they automatically investigate when more than 5 accounts are running from the same ip/pc
9/9 rndbuddy toons up (since august, 16/6)

Can we get something Official from the Dev's if it's really a BanWave please before making every botter start freaking out :)

^^ I love these people. These are the same people that tell you not to bot more than 2 hours at a time and to mix your profiles up. lol. Some of us are using honorbuddy to make lots of real money, not to do our dailies for us when we get home from school. If you were doing anything relevant you would know about the bans.

edit: checked post history, also the same guy that doesn't understand the perils of losing trade accounts fast with level 1 scripts, because you're busy selling 100k to the chinese at .5 "10 times on your main account". idiots shouldn't be allowed to post
Still going strong here, all about variety imo.

I think anything over 12 hours without doing another thing or going idle is just asking for it.
^^ I love these people. These are the same people that tell you not to bot more than 2 hours at a time and to mix your profiles up. lol. Some of us are using honorbuddy to make lots of real money, not to do our dailies for us when we get home from school. If you were doing anything relevant you would know about the bans.

edit: checked post history, also the same guy that doesn't understand the perils of losing trade accounts fast with level 1 scripts, because you're busy selling 100k to the chinese at .5 "10 times on your main account". idiots shouldn't be allowed to post

well then there is another cathegory of 24/7 10+acc like you who got banned every second month aka "banwave" and are still surprised. Epic name "plsdontban" lol whats your ingame nick ? farmerbob ?
I hope you enjoy your moneymaking business , bet you u are one of those irl unemploymed mads.
As I've written before, I was banned too while doing various, normal play activities that didn't have any affect on the economy. I don't really care about economy stuff. I just play for fun and still was banned on my accounts at same time (delayed ban). I mixed it up. Played full hands on inbetween. Mixed characters up a lot.One acct used random set up of GB2 briefly a few times and the other acct never used GB2, ever in it's history. But here I am with a ban.
I don't know why I still click on these threads, morbid curiosity I guess. I hope this doesn't alarm new users, as many have already stated, it was not a "banwave". In the event of an actual banwave, there will be an official thread on it addressing it. I have been using this program for 2 years and have actually seen 1 true banwave, and that one did not affect me either.
If there was an HB banwave, the devs would shut it down. Come on, guys.
If there was an HB banwave, the devs would shut it down. Come on, guys.

maybe blizzard doesend ban all botters so it doesend like like a wave but they just do small once evry few times so they dont notice it on hb.
I know another 10 people banned today as well. The fact of the matter is, as much as the retards like to yell about "there's still some bots left, not a banwave der!", when enough people are banned to make these big threads like this, its a banwave and significant. 100 or even 1000 people are banned for every 1 person that takes the time and come write about it on the forum here.