But do you think they will actually loosen the lease on the banning, because i've never experienced a "banwave" or is this the first time this has happened to this extent?
do you even know what a BANWAVE is?..... that means if there was a banwave we would all be banned bg botting is risky ok so the bot is not detected. you got a ban by a player report and then a gm banned you while you was not on pc dont bg bot
Dear Buddies,
I have been a leeching member for a while laying low in the shadows, however been botting for about a year or two. I botted on about 9 of my accounts and for some friends, however last week luckily I only got a 72 hour suspension on my Main account that I was botting all night unattended in ICC 1-80 RAF grind, was risky but never got banned for botting. When i woke up was banned, things happen right? logged on a level 80 account with a rogue started BGbuddy after 20 mins literally my account was banned. Something was suspicious...suspected a banwave not confirming, but I do confirm that Blizzard have stepped up their bot sniffing in some way no doubt.
____________Bottom line____________
Will you continue to bot normally, or will you quit botting, or do you think the tide will calm and botting will be "safer" like the past months or will it continue to have a tight leash and ban spree going on, Thoughts and contribution appreciated
The Tool
I've been saying this a lot, it's player reports.
Dear Buddies,
I have been a leeching member for a while laying low in the shadows, however been botting for about a year or two. I botted on about 9 of my accounts and for some friends, however last week luckily I only got a 72 hour suspension on my Main account that I was botting all night unattended in ICC 1-80 RAF grind, was risky but never got banned for botting. When i woke up was banned, things happen right? logged on a level 80 account with a rogue started BGbuddy after 20 mins literally my account was banned. Something was suspicious...suspected a banwave not confirming, but I do confirm that Blizzard have stepped up their bot sniffing in some way no doubt.
____________Bottom line____________
Will you continue to bot normally, or will you quit botting, or do you think the tide will calm and botting will be "safer" like the past months or will it continue to have a tight leash and ban spree going on, Thoughts and contribution appreciated
The Tool