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BanWave and now what? Throw the Towel [OR] Will the tide calm...


New Member
Mar 23, 2012
:rolleyes: Dear Buddies, :rolleyes:

I have been a leeching member for a while laying low in the shadows, however been botting for about a year or two. I botted on about 9 of my accounts and for some friends, however last week luckily I only got a 72 hour suspension on my Main account that I was botting all night unattended in ICC 1-80 RAF grind, was risky but never got banned for botting. When i woke up was banned, things happen right? logged on a level 80 account with a rogue started BGbuddy after 20 mins literally my account was banned. Something was suspicious...suspected a banwave not confirming, but I do confirm that Blizzard have stepped up their bot sniffing in some way no doubt.

____________Bottom line____________

Will you continue to bot normally, or will you quit botting, or do you think the tide will calm and botting will be "safer" like the past months or will it continue to have a tight leash and ban spree going on, Thoughts and contribution appreciated:cool:

The Tool
Okay, I'm going to be nice and not make fun of your name - like calling you a tool or something about nice 1st post.

Yes, I'm currently botting right now, leveling with kicks as i always do ;)
i stopped botting 100%
i dont care what ppl says about anything,im not risking my account thats all,if u fanboys wanna stay in denial its ok but im out.
Laying low till new patch comes out.... Not worth losing all my stuff when it seems to be very heat to bot now.
But do you think they will actually loosen the lease on the banning, because i've never experienced a "banwave" or is this the first time this has happened to this extent?
I agree with another poster, banning small amounts of people makes it not look like a banwave, so they buy new accounts, then get banned again, but blizzard got some extra money...flawless system personally, from Botting everyday for 5 years Ive had 2 accounts in 2 weeks banned, this isn't a coincidence, you only need to look at the ban forums from say a few months back, its increased 10 fold
It is surely a Banwave. The ones that got lucky with not being banned, will also get a ban.
ok sure, but will it be like this forever or has this happened and they loosened the chain on bans? seems like you just cant bot anymore period the risk is way too high on any return (at this time). I'm just wondering if it will go back to how it was or will it be like this or will honorbuddy outsmart blizzard or will blizzard just reign over buddies XD
Have you been visiting the forums here since you've been using HB? People get banned every day/week - I've always seen the forums with people sharing their ban reports. Don't lose sight on how many HB users there are. Also, I could log onto my account today and just be manually doing something and get the ban - because your account could be flagged for something you did weeks ago. This doesn't seem to be out of the norm, but everyone should do what they feel comfortable doing. Take a break if it helps, but the cat and mouse game will still be here when you want to bot again :)
I know people have been banned and its a "normal" thing, however if you see the activities these past days the ban posts take a 1-2 pages for yesterdays bans for example and when you date back to page 28 for example on 1 page there would be a frame of 3 days per page now its 2 pages per day, just saying :P seems a lot riskier wondering if this ban spree has happened to this degree or its something that is new :D
I've been saying this a lot, it's player reports.

That might be true, that only player reports have increased, however on my mule account I was in a BG with BGbuddy literally less than 20 mins botted and probably 7 minutes to get into that BG in 1 AV the starting 5 minutes of it I got banned seems really great GM response time and investigation times. Players might have reported me, this would lead me to think that the bans are automated especially in BG's because it took literally about 5 minutes in the BG to get me banned and i was monitoring the bot while eating breakfast lol, wasn't a permanent ban but still.... makes me think that there is a loophole where you can just multi-box like 5+ chars and go into a bg and report a legit player and it would probably lead to a ban. Just my observation lol but then you'd probably get banned for abusing GameMaster mechanics =D trolol?
I stopped botting after my 2nd herb/mine bot got perm banned. Not worth losing my main.
Confirmed , lol a friend just got banned cus he had Click-To-Move activated which...Honorbuddy activates and the guy never in his life botted and got a perma ban XD lol... Blizzard is so amazing , the guy is a GM of a raiding guild xD random ban
Confirmed , lol a friend just got banned cus he had Click-To-Move activated which...Honorbuddy activates and the guy never in his life botted and got a perma ban XD lol... Blizzard is so amazing , the guy is a GM of a raiding guild xD random ban

Unless you stood over him while playing, you have no clue if he ever botted or not. Perhaps he is just quiet about it.

Or perhaps he has friends who bot and did it on his computer. Sounds a lot more likely than a random ban just for having CtM on.

That all said ... if there was a way to get HB to work without CtM ... or in a more natural way (like flying without it on long distances) ... I'd be all for it. It definitely -is- a big red flag for possible botters.
Just bought a new account and was using Kicks questing profile, botted it for 10 hours(got to level 18) wake up this morning and it's been banned. Quickest yet, dunno what the fuck is the go with blizzard...
"Kick's profiles" and "wake up" should never be part of the same report. What part of "you will get stuck in a public place near a quest giver and people will report your ass" doesn't compute?
Ok buddy, get off my nuts. I always monitor my bots 100% if you look at my previous ban threads you will see that, I turned the bot off and went to sleep. I woke up tried to log in and was greeted with the ban message.