May be my example was too complicated for you to understand. You were targeting the minor and not the major point so I will give you a much simpler one.
You bought a car (created a pokemon go account), then bought some nice accessories which is optional to put on your car (bought some coins which is optional on pokemon go shop to buy items for your pokemon go account), you drank and drove and got busted (you played then bot and got caught). You came back and whined and asked for refund on those accessories.
Nah, your example is just crap.
2nd is slightly better but still... I did not buy a game, police will ban me off streets (for some time) but not necessarily take my car. Also Car manufacturer and seller have NO right to take anything away.
I know everybody is just trying to make easy analogies. It's just not working. Seller, operator and executioner have to be the same company / person.
- Niantic changed their ToS to perm ban Cheaters
- They seem to handle it retroactive
- They inform nobody about what they did wrong (bc they think they don't have to bc of ToS)
If I rent a house (App), it's owners right to prohibit animals, smoking and so on (ToS).
If I let him do some renovation work (Coins), it's probably my own money I spend.
If I smoke continuously he can kick me out of the house (after a few steps before, I know).
If I have Visitors (3rd Party App like Go Stats, PokeVision, and so on), he can't do that.
If he never prohibited anything, he can't just come and tell me: I have new ToS, if you have ever harmed them you'll be out. And then kick me out not saying a single word about what I did wrong.
I have several botted Accounts (3) - only 1 is banned by now.
I also have a legit Account and I used some Apps (Go Stats, All G) and some Tracking Apps (Go Map, PokeVision, M Cristopher Live Map) for it. I did this BEFORE Niantic changed ToS.
So I'm not fighting for my Bot Account, but for my legit one.