Pretty obvious to me that this is a fake e-mail.
Blizz never uses such kind of language. They are much more professional, yet they don't do things like "removing botted itens". Blizzard does not use the word "bot" so freely (they do not suppose a player even knows what a bot is).
They would rather say something like: "...using automated softwares (AKA "bots")...".
I wonder why some people keep posting such things here.
-REP for you bro.
Please moderators lock/close this thread, as it is here just to confuse botters.
the 2sec was an exaggeration, i would of thought that would of been obvious considering it takes more then 2 seconds looking at anything to make a determination.
Blizz would say picked up by 3rd party detection software or something along the lines of using 3rd party software. not Bot. saying bot for a company that makes over 150 million a month does not sound professional.
Just my 2 cents.
Blizz would say picked up by 3rd party detection software or something along the lines of using 3rd party software. not Bot. saying bot for a company that makes over 150 million a month does not sound professional.
Just my 2 cents.
lol @ you zuabros
blizzard does use the term bot/ botting or whatever.
ticket replies are just as fast typed as automated ones are send + when you get a automated reply to a ticket / mail and
you answer that, the chance you get a hand typed reply is big, and they are not allowed to make grammar mistakes?
Lmao man, ive seen more then that in replies to tickets, but im sure you know it all.
As for the lock, everytime someone has something to prove anything but how safe this bot is, it gets manipulated, removed or just
locked. - rep for you aswell bro.
o and you want proof... here it is.
View attachment 83617
Since i still care about my other account and i know this will be read aswell, some things are erased!