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Banned: "You were picked up by our bot detection systems"


New Member
Dec 22, 2011
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?:


2)If so, when was the last time?:

21 Feb around 6PM

3)What profile were you using?:

Kicks Alliance Grinding WOTL

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:

Fpsware Mage

5)What plugins are you using?:

Autoeq, antistuck.

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:

I was online grinding in around 24h

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?

Around 5%

7)How many auctions per day did you have?:


8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?


9)Was your account involved in gold selling?


10)EU or US realm?


You dont have to tell me why i got banned, I know i botted pretty stupid :P Could not get the autorelogger to work and I was going away for pretty long time so I decided to gamble and just let it run.

Here's the message i've received after doing an account Recovery:

"Hello ,

I have investigated your account compromise and found that there has been no compromise. You were picked up by our bot detection systems, which banned your account.

We believe in second chances so we have removed the ban but placed your account on a 72 hour suspension with a final warning. This means that if you are caught botting again, your account will be banned with no chance of it being overturned.

Therefore I strongly suggest you play legitimatly from now on.

We have also removed a large amount of the items we know you to have farmed using the bot program.

Kind regards,

Game Master
Blizzard Entertainment Europe"

I wonder how much they will remove..hops its not all the chars i have lvled :o

Well, i mostly wanted you to know about the "You were picked up by our bot detection systems" message, but perhaps it has something do to with players reporting me for being in a spor farming for a long time.

Regards, Gustav8
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Well maybe it's a response email, anyway do remove the Game Master's name mate, just in case. But yeah, you were right about the reason that got you banned. Never grind for too long. I was getting away for like year and a half farming 24/7 but I never made it with longer sessions of grinding for some reason. To me it seemed as if that was the most risky way of botting on EU realms.
well it just goes to show, GM's say stupid stuff, if you where picked up by their bot detection systems (they dont exist) and they could prove you where botting it would of been a perma not a 72 hour. you ether got caught up in the automated system, or they manually watched you for 2 sec, and did a temp ban.
First of all, sorry for your loss.

Second of all, by "bot detection" he means "we saw you grinding for days".

If there WAS any kind of automated banning bot detection system, we'd all go down pretty much instantly, like the people that used sn0ball. And I know I have 9 accounts out there going strong.

I even bot on my main account (milling/prospecting/disenchanting, and lazy raider from when I'm well... Lazy and playing from bed).

I can guarantee you they can't detect HB.
If they could wipe out every single botter just like that, they'd do so.
And anyone who says they want their money knows nothing of real life and business in general.

The good publicity they'd get from being able to say they run a 100% bot free game FAR outweigths the money we give them.

Also, they've been answering tickets in 10 mins for many months.
What's happening is that people are becoming more and more aware of us, and more relentless with the hunting.

All it's needed is one person saying in general chat: "this guy is botting, report him" to get enough reports for a GM to check on you.

Account safety is all about low profile.

My 2c.

Enviado desde mi GT-I9003L usando Tapatalk
well it just goes to show, GM's say stupid stuff, if you where picked up by their bot detection systems (they dont exist) and they could prove you where botting it would of been a perma not a 72 hour. you ether got caught up in the automated system, or they manually watched you for 2 sec, and did a temp ban.

If 2 seconds are enough to get a ban - then there's probably some stuff that could be improved in HB/GB ;)
I gotta be honest and say that email from Blizz sounds fake to me.
Iv'e never heard before of a Blizz GM saying "We believe in second chances". If you were 'detected' botting 24/7 they would'nt waste there time giving you a second chance and spending the time to track your account.

Call me an idiot but doesnt sound legit at all..
yes simple dont use HB anymore if you dont have $ to buy a new wow acc

Not in any way have i said I don't have money to use hb in case of a ban.
I just feel that if a mod states this, then they should probably make it a wee bit more on making it look less bottish
Not in any way have i said I don't have money to use hb in case of a ban.
I just feel that if a mod states this, then they should probably make it a wee bit more on making it look less bottish
the 2sec was an exaggeration, i would of thought that would of been obvious considering it takes more then 2 seconds looking at anything to make a determination.
I agree that email looks like a phishing scam of some sort. 'Legitimately' is spelt incorrectly for starters. And the phrase 'bot detection systems' is not familiar Blizzard terminology.
the 2sec was an exaggeration, i would of thought that would of been obvious considering it takes more then 2 seconds looking at anything to make a determination.

And I thought it was understandable that I knew what you meant and was replying more to say that if you know and feel that a gm can spot you in no time, perhaps there's room for some improvement to make it look less like a bot and more like a human.
But let's just leave it at that :)
Your problem is that you left it on for 24 hours. You must baby sit your bot. Bot when you would normally play.
Kicks Alliance Grinding WOTL
Fpsware Mage
antistuck plugin
I was online grinding in around 24h,supervise 5%

Id say, these might be problems. I have done wotlk botting and everytime it seems its stuck somewhere in the zone. I recommend observing closely while botting wotlk zones even when using questing profiles. Observing the forums and reading here, has given me conclusion that grinding profiles are way faster way to get banned than using quest profiles or BGBuddy

Custom Class FPSWareMage
-Well I dont have mage, but it its last updated over 6 months ago, well that might be cause of your ban too. Yes Im paranoid and try to use most updated custom classes all times when possible.

Antistuck plugin, Eh?
Well I have read that this plugin, if its the one that uses "Heart Stone" everytime the char is stuck somewhere, well it might be the case of getting banned. If the Anti-Stuck plugin is bugged, or if Blizz has way to detect excessive uses of heart stone, then that might be the most likely reason to get banned.
you no what i been botting for a few years now i have never once been cuaght for botting , the only time i got banned was when i used a speed hack in warsong and capp flag 3 times in like 30 seconds but i was showing off to my friends. i got permanet bann and bought a new accoutn now i got 7 x 85s and i amke shit loads f gold
Fps ware mage works good i use it atm from 1-84 so far n questing profile as a char wi no rep in certain Stuff seems suspicious to me
Pretty obvious to me that this is a fake e-mail.

Blizz never uses such kind of language. They are much more professional, yet they don't do things like "removing botted itens". Blizzard does not use the word "bot" so freely (they do not suppose a player even knows what a bot is).

They would rather say something like: "...using automated softwares (AKA "bots")...".

I wonder why some people keep posting such things here.

-REP for you bro.

Please moderators lock/close this thread, as it is here just to confuse botters.
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