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Banned with less than 3 minutes of play time.


New Member
Mar 7, 2014
1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
Honorbuddy only.

2)Which version (and Beta or Release)?:
v2.5.9652.723 Release

3)If so, when was the last time?:
The last time I used Honorbuddy was Feb 10.

4)What profile were you using?:
I didn't get far enough to load a profile.

5)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
I didn't get far enough to load a combat class.

6)What plugins are you using?:

7)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
I never actually started the bot, ever. I launched the game for the first time, created a toon, turned on Auto-Loot and Click-To-Move, turned on Windowed Mode, then launched HonorBuddy for the first time ever, and the windowed screen started flickering and so was the Honorbuddy window. The performance in the VirtualBox was so slow even before launching auto-bot that the choppiness would have been unplayable (6 fps). I thought I'd see if Honorbuddy could still function properly but never actually proceeded to activate anything. I just let it load, and it told me to wait, it pulled the data like my Race and game location, then said something about being "Ready to Go" but I just closed it down right away to try to fix the bad 3D graphics performance first.

8)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
100% of the short time it was running. Literally less than 60 seconds total, split between 2 separate launches total.

9)How many auctions per day did you have?:

10)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?

11)Was your account involved in gold selling?

12)EU or US realm?

13)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
It was a brand new paid account.

These are the steps I followed, it is the most careful way I could think of after researching possible security risks. (ironic).

1) Installed VirtualBox.
2) Installed *** service to get a new IP address and route all internet traffic in the VirtualBox through this ***.
3) Created brand new Ba**le.net account from within the fresh new Windows 7 install in fresh new VirtualBox, using pre-paid VISA, fake name, and fresh email address.
4) Purchased Warcraft MoP with prepaid VISA which was registered for online purchases using fake credentials.
5) Subscribed with same card, activating the account fully.
6) Downloaded Game Client to VirtualBox and let it download the full game from within the Launcher.
7) Launched Game for first time, setting up Auto-Loot and Click-To-Move, turned on Windowed Mode, etc.
* Performance was poor in the VirtualBox... only 6 fps.
8) Launched HonorBuddy, the screen started flickering on HB and on the Game Window. It did some initializing, recognized my Race and Location etc. properly
9) It said whatever it normally says about being "Ready to start" but I just closed it down and then the Game client as well.
10) Rebooted, tried installing DirectX, no luck fixing performance issue when I tried Game for the 2nd time.
11) After see HB still flickered the game window and that it would not be fast enough in the VirtualBox to run properly, I again closed HB without ever actually running anything.

12) Went to sleep, went to work the next day, came home.
13) VirtualBox wasn't gonna work, so installed VMWare to try that.
14) Installed Windows 7 in fresh VMWare machine, and again installed *** service.
15) Logged into Ba**le.net but account was locked due to a "change in access pattern".
16) Used password reset tool, got access to account back easily, then saw "BANNED" beside account.

and here I sit... less than 3 minutes total game time, no actual botting or anything done yet, BANNED but it's strange...
I got absolutely NO emails about being banned from them yet. Nothing at all, beside the Password Reset emails...

you aren't BANNED as such... but you are probably boned since the next step is them asking you to send photocopy of your ID.

obviously you hit a 100% automated process that locks the account when login IPs change suspiciously, and since both where V-P-Ns now you most likely will have to provide ID.

next time if you insist on V-P-N (which is a great way to get an account locked even without any botting), attach an authenticator. otherwise each and every time you change IPs your password will get reset and/or account locked
What a bad fake
It could ofc, but thats common for some V-P-Ns, they are simply blacklisted by Blizz servers, and anyone connecting via them, get shutted down in minutes, as the OP described above.

No matter if he tried to run HB, or just stay afk, the result would be 100% the same.
It could ofc, but thats common for some V-P-Ns, they are simply blacklisted by Blizz servers, and anyone connecting via them, get shutted down in minutes, as the OP described above.

No matter if he tried to run HB, or just stay afk, the result would be 100% the same.

May i ask which ones have you guys tried that has been blacklisted and got caught? I was gonna buy from PrivateInternetAccess, but now i'm not sure because dunno if it's blacklisted or not :/
Hey, thanks to everyone for the feedback.

Jut a little update: Blizz finally unlocked the account today after me submitting a ticket. It looks like it was indeed related to IP Addresses and HWID's changing too rapidly after account creation. I got the distinct impression from their generic "security checklist" that they linked me, that I should start using an Authenticator to avoid similar situations in the future.

Account seems to be up and running now. I'm fairly certain it was NOT HonorBuddy now as there was 0 mention of exploitation in the emails.

Probably due to IP i believe?

i think its not by ip because i was using hama v p n when botting and i got even banned they find the pattern of the questbot profiles. when you play manually with hb + tyrael its alot of safer i gues because you do the movement.
Hey, thanks to everyone for the feedback.

Jut a little update: Blizz finally unlocked the account today after me submitting a ticket. It looks like it was indeed related to IP Addresses and HWID's changing too rapidly after account creation. I got the distinct impression from their generic "security checklist" that they linked me, that I should start using an Authenticator to avoid similar situations in the future.

Account seems to be up and running now. I'm fairly certain it was NOT HonorBuddy now as there was 0 mention of exploitation in the emails.


So you can finally edit the thread title, and change the misleading 3min playing title ;)

Regarding the V-P-Ns, noone can be sure, simply because Blizz as every internet related corporation hire 3rd party companies, which are focused at collecting and filtering such data etc. Just an example - most paid/free v-p-ns are used from professional spamming companies, and with that they get autoblacklisted by all the content-filter companies, and that way they get into the Blizz blacklist.
most V-P-N are flagged, don't bother using them.

I have been using many V-P-N services (hidemypass, Overplay, Astril). Got banned all the time. They did unban me saying that keeping on using a V-P-N might lead to my account getting closed again because they know most gold sellers use those.

And no, it has nothing to do with HWIDs. It's purely down to your IPs. Try logging from two different computers on the same ip and your account will not get locked. On the other hand, try logging from the same computer from a different ISP than your usual one and your account WILL get locked (or banned after a few minutes/hours if you are using a V-P-N)

I do not know why people open such topics, I mean even a retarded kid would understand that if you get banned after 5 minutes from the account creation it's most definitely not down to honorbuddy.
Thank you for reiterating this. I've explained multiple times on other threads that virtual private networks aren't the way to go. I used to have a router with one hardwired in (before I started botting) and couldn't even pay for a sub with PayPal because Blizz automatically detected it and locked my account under suspicion of hacks. It took a supervisor to unlock it.
I've said this before but i simply refuse to believe the bullshit about blizzard banning a freaking protocol.
It so stupid it hurts my brain.

What happens is that blizzard notices that you try to access your account from out of country and locks it as a security measure. You go to account page and unlock account.
If you now log in from usual ip to check, it will work, then you login from *** and it will lock it again, this will be an endless loop until you login from *** straight after unlocking account. Done.

I work with IT and i've used private corporate ***'s located inside the same country.
Guess what ? After literally thousands upon thousands of hours botting, i haven't got as much as an account lock....

Guess why ? Cuz blizzard doesnt ban a legitimate internet protocol...go figure...

Even tho they're not allowed they do check hw id's, such as hdd serial for one. Confirmed by hawker.

The only reason, if blizzard has ever stated it (which i doubt) would recommend against v.p.n is due to their automated security feature mentioned above, to help prevent your account from being hacked. Read above, login from diff country.

If anyone can show me proof that blizzard is actively banning people's accounts for the use of pptp, ipsec, openv.pn or the like, i'll eat my own shit for a week lol.
If anyone can show me proof that blizzard is actively banning people's accounts for the use of pptp, ipsec, openv.pn or the like, i'll eat my own shit for a week lol.

They state this in their ToS
  • Account Suspension/Deletion.

    BLIZZARD MAY SUSPEND, TERMINATE, MODIFY, OR DELETE ANY BNET ACCOUNT OR WORLD OF WARCRAFT ACCOUNT AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON OR FOR NO REASON, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE TO YOU. For purposes of explanation and not limitation, most account suspensions, terminations and/or deletions are the result of violations of this Terms of Use or the EULA.

Basically, they can do what they want when it comes to V.P.N.s and usually they temp ban you or lock the account.
Yeh, they can do whatever they want, knew that already.... Why i phrased my last post: DO they explicitly state the use of certain protocols are banned...

The question at hand....is if blizzard is ridiculous enough to ban protocols from use...which they aren't...(Hint, they could just ban the traffic and be done with it......)
Same shit as retards trying to ban the torrent protocol...hello...ITS A FUCKING PROTOCOL AND ITS NOT ILLEGAL lol...if you dont understand that, then well, I have nothing to add.

And giwin, no they dont... As explained above, their automated protections locks your account when connecting with a *** not located in your country, for obvious reasons.
I ONLY botted trough *** on all my farmer accounts, thousands upon thousands of hours, never got as much as a temp lock. Why ? Corporate private ***'s, located in the same country, often just 3 hops from home lol.