Reasons for the decrease in Honorbuddy population to what it was a couple of years back?
1) Massive banwave.
Ban waves have been a thing since glider and vanilla. While I'm sure we lose buddies every time one hits, I'll bet we gain them at a near equivalent rate.
2) Reduced price of gold - garrisons free gold - reduced profit. Lowest gold demand ever.
Well I think you're right about that, gold is easier than ever to make. It seems like it's just as likely that Honorbuddy owners have doubled down on accounts to farm more gold though.
4.) Lower general interest in the game. Lower than vanilla subs---> many friends no longer playing ----> Less interest in playing.
This is something that is always thrown around, I feel like any comparison made should be relative to the overall population of world of wacraft. Botting has decreased, but so have subscriptions in general, so has anything actually changed regarding the percentage of wow players interested in or using honorbuddy?
5) Increased awareness about botting in the non-botting population. Like bots were responsible that the game sucks. Oh well. Lots of white knights reporting bots.
I feel like the only thing that has changed is how adamant Blizzard is about discussing the situation on public forum, I raided heavily in Vanilla and even the slackjawed adults in their 40s were aware of botters.
6) Blizzard sells legitimate gold, and at a quite competitive price.
Here's a good point, can't argue there.
7) Other bots in the market, some with (assumingly) cheaper costs.
Competition is great for the market, no discernible reason to believe this is an issue or causing a decrease in the current population
9) Worst expansion ever. Super boredom.
sounds like business as usual