... Blizzard HAS to know by now that they will never completely remove bots from the game. The have to manage it though, so they ban accounts here and there. Whether it be player reports, detection of the bot, or some way of recognizing patters, they do it. ....
Even if so, nothing new here and hardly represents a "ban-wave". Doesn't take any theorizing to figure that out.
... Also, you think that there aren't 20 new bans a day? There are probably many times that number of bans every day. For one, not everyone that uses Honorbuddy uses the forums. Out of all those that do, not everyone report their bans. ....
Nothing brings out a lurker like a ban (or the bot not being available). For the past several days it's mostly the same posts, from the same users, being refreshed due to new replies. Just noise, nothing more. You're reaching for the remotely possible again and ignoring the immediate reality.
... I don't understand the hostility some people have when it comes to bans on these forums ....
I don't see the hostility but I do see a lot of paranoia. But then, the 2 can often be blurred.
If Blizzard were passively detecting honorbuddy, everyone who uses it would be banned. Even if it meant 10K subs. They don't want, nor will tolerate, someone they KNOW is botting to play their game . Isn't it also your thinking that most of those people banned would just go and by a new copy anyways? Ohhh I forgottttt....you guys also think they don't want the honorbuddy team to know, that THEY know