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Banned and a small tip on how to not get banned with farming!


New Member
Mar 10, 2014
Hello guys i was recently banned from WoW using Gather buddy, I made around 25k Gold in 1 day. I sold it all the on the AH and my account was instantly flagged as my gold jumped from 3k to 28k from selling. This made Wow look into my account and PERMA ban me. Fortunately i was able to talk my way out of it by saying Am sorry i didnt no using 3rd party apps could get you banned i didn't bot i was using an app to help me find ore... They bought it and changed my ban to a 72H suspension.

So basically guys. Don't sell all your ore/mats/herbs all at once on the AH it WILL get you banned.. Do 2K gold at a time Or Ask in trade to sell your items instead.

How ever. Can somone please tell me if using the Lazyraider will Get me banned again? If that's literally all i use? So i will not go Fully AFK again while botting i will just use Lazyraider from now on instead of fully AFK question/Gather/DB..
Fortunately i was able to talk my way out of it by saying Am sorry i didnt no using 3rd party apps could get you banned i didn't bot i was using an app to help me find ore... They bought it and changed my ban to a 72H suspension.
Dude, can you expound on how exactly you contacted Blizz? (phone/webchat/ticket). And what exactly your conversation was like? Did you ask why you got banned first? Or you started telling that youre sorry and blah blah blah right away? I just got banned and about to appeal, so doing some research on how to better behave with their support.
They know you botted, you are just a small time botter so they gave you another chance.
Dude, can you expound on how exactly you contacted Blizz? (phone/webchat/ticket). And what exactly your conversation was like? Did you ask why you got banned first? Or you started telling that youre sorry and blah blah blah right away? I just got banned and about to appeal, so doing some research on how to better behave with their support.

Yes i sent them an appeal Via the blizzard site. I basically told them that i am not sure what i have been banned for and i use a 3rd party app to help me gather ore, "one like the addon Gathermate" and i also use an Auction house addon to help me sell. I did not no i was doing anything bad or "bannable offence" I understand that i have been on allot this week due to haveing more time off work so i have been playing world of warcraft allot more than usual, I also understand that this is my first offence and belive it is unfair to get a permanent Ban.

Thats the gist of what i said tbh. i Added a bit extra but i can't really remember
Thanks, I wrote my appeal today as well, now waiting for them to answer.

The thing is, that I was botting a lot lately (Questing, Mining, Coin farming) and never sold any gold for real money, but got banned for "Abuse of economy". That's interesting.
Mate, don't wanna burst your bubble here but you received probably a classic reply of changing your closure of account into suspensions. If they would bought your story, you would get unbanned w/o suspension.
Reducing to 72 hours is basically saying "Yo scumbag, we know that you cheat but we can live with it for now if you stop so here is your second chance". Would lay low for a while I guess, and when using LazyRaider, do not pvp with that as there is a chance you will get reported if using some less advanced routine or not properly set up. And do not use auto interrupts. It can show others that you are using some automation.
Isn't it botting 101 to know NOT to farm for 12 hours and then unload it all on the AH?

I'll say it for the 100th time for people who are spamming GB profiles....shuffling your mats prevents detection. And Private Profiles.
Ok, so after two hours I got an email from blizz, stating that they investigated on my account closure and the ban can be lifted, and it was already done, so I can continue playing right away.

I can post my entire message to blizz if anyone needs it.
Now since I quest-botted all classes except warrior to lvl 90 and warrior will get a free lvl 90 boost at the launch of WoD anyway, I guess I'm done with botting. I'll better buy some gold if I need.
So basically guys. Don't sell all your ore/mats/herbs all at once on the AH it WILL get you banned.. Do 2K gold at a time Or Ask in trade to sell your items instead.
Sorry to say this, but it`s not entirely true. I`m using AH bots (battle chest accounts), that have no other activity. Amount of gold earned per day may fluctuate from 10 to 70k, with an average of around 1.7 mil made per month. If it was for your presumption to be valid, i would have been banned in the first day. However i am not selling farmed materials nor gems or enchanting scrolls so perhaps this may be taken into count.
Sorry to say this, but it`s not entirely true. I`m using AH bots (battle chest accounts), that have no other activity. Amount of gold earned per day may fluctuate from 10 to 70k, with an average of around 1.7 mil made per month. If it was for your presumption to be valid, i would have been banned in the first day. However i am not selling farmed materials nor gems or enchanting scrolls so perhaps this may be taken into count.

Sorry to say this but I think you're the exception to the rule.

Also, pretty sure he was talking about ore and herbs.
Isn't it botting 101 to know NOT to farm for 12 hours and then unload it all on the AH?

I'll say it for the 100th time for people who are spamming GB profiles....shuffling your mats prevents detection. And Private Profiles.

Using gb2 with randombuddy changing profile every 10 minutes. 0 auctions on farming account, char would put everything in guild bank. Farming for 8 hours in 2 hours break. Banned within 3 days. AH account is still running.
People who are saying things like "Oh i have done this that and this for months and haven't got banned" Your just lucky, For now.. I used to think fml i am botting my ass off and i haven't been banned or anything this is great.. Then it happens You will try to log in 1 day after a recent patch or something and you will get the heart in your stomach message telling you to go to HTTP://WEBANNEDYOUMOTHERFUCKER.COM So please everyone Be careful when botting. I really do not think its wise to go AFK.. And i no you are thinking to yourself, I sit here and watch my bot for hours and its fine it wont make a difference if i go out for a few hours or go to work and leave it on. I Promise you, Unless you only bot a tiny bit per-day you will get banned. DO NOT BOT 24/7

I am only putting my story on here to help people who are new to botting and they are excited and leave bots running all the time. Please if you are new to this, If you are new to wow. Please take all this in. Don't let Blizzard take anymore accounts from us lets work together and bot safely.

And 1 more thing. If you see someone botting, Don't report them, I no some people on here do, But at the end of the day if we all watch each others backs we can get past the banhammer.
Farming for 8 hours in 2 hours break. Banned within 3 days.
the whole thing about setting up different profiles and breaks is to make the bot look human. in a 24 hour period you would be playing for nearly 20 hours in a rotating cycle that only a meth addict could match.
I talked my way out of it!! lol this is epic.. NO NO that's not how it works on your first time it doesn't even matter what you tell them they usually unbann you the problem is they will bann you again in due time and then my firend its a wrap... ALOT OF AUCTIONS does not get you banned, prospectors post 1000s of auctions daily and don't get banned thats what the auction house is meant for.. Blizzard is not dumb they know whats going on they may not be able to detect the software but they could tell your a bot in a second ! been there done that my friend, millions of gold and dozens of banned accounts, there is no way around getting banned if your intention is to be a wow millionaire..

my advice buy cheap accounts you dont care for bot them with out a care in the world they will get banned and unbanned twice then it off the the graveyard

NEVER BOT ON YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT FOR GOLD! everything else is coo they dont care half the BGs are bots these days.. but you cant mess with there economy
I talked my way out of it!! lol this is epic.. NO NO that's not how it works on your first time it doesn't even matter what you tell them they usually unbann you the problem is they will bann you again in due time and then my firend its a wrap... ALOT OF AUCTIONS does not get you banned, prospectors post 1000s of auctions daily and don't get banned thats what the auction house is meant for.. Blizzard is not dumb they know whats going on they may not be able to detect the software but they could tell your a bot in a second ! been there done that my friend, millions of gold and dozens of banned accounts, there is no way around getting banned if your intention is to be a wow millionaire..

my advice buy cheap accounts you dont care for bot them with out a care in the world they will get banned and unbanned twice then it off the the graveyard

NEVER BOT ON YOUR MAIN ACCOUNT FOR GOLD! everything else is coo they dont care half the BGs are bots these days.. but you cant mess with there economy

So i could still use only lazyraider? or combat buddy? I just cba to do my long ass rotation by my self am a monk its so annoying haha
Acquiring alot of gold in a short amount of time does not flag your account. AH flippers have been gold capping their accounts since vanilla without a bot.