72 hour suspension
ok i have just recieved my first and final suspension, seems it is very risky to use bg buddy and especially dungeonbuddy, do not use them !!!!!!!!!!!!
i have been playing wow for 7 uears 5 using honorbuddy and never had an issue , i thought i would give dungeonbuddy a whirl as hardley ever use it and bump 72 hour suspension , as for how they find out ? is called WARDEN !! , when ever you log into wow you give blizzard permission to scan your ram , this is where they get thier evidence , there has been lots of contraversy concerning this and it seem for now there is nothing we can do about it , if you want to play you have to allow this , but also think this breaches a whole lot of privacy laws, untill some bright spark comes up with an idea or a progreamme to literally stop warden hacking into our computers we are kind of screwed , maybe something that will fool warden into checking a dummie file maybe an idea , anyway gatherbuddy i never have had a problem with , niether have i ever had trouble with questhelper , but bg buddy and dungeonbuddy please leave well alone this will get you caught, also in the bg and dungeons you have idiots who think nothing of reporting your arse , becasue they sad bastards who have nothing better to do , remember if alone hard to get reported but once you in a group you are relying on peoples sense of fairness