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Banned after 8+yrs in the Game

Do we ban all HB and lose all those subscriptions? Or do we ban the ones using HB in a negative way affecting the economy and player experiences in contested zones?

Easy answer there.

OK so if this is the case why try and get HB shut down .? will the not loose all the bot subs if they win as hardcore botters who do it for making money will no longer sub. or will they.?
OK so if this is the case why try and get HB shut down .? will the not loose all the bot subs if they win as hardcore botters who do it for making money will no longer sub. or will they.?

There is a difference. You may not be able to access HB but you will still have your accounts.

Losing both HB AND your accounts is often a sure way to prevent you from resubbing.
There is a difference. You may not be able to access HB but you will still have your accounts.

Losing both HB AND your accounts is often a sure way to prevent you from resubbing.

I agree there is a difference, but either way blizz will loose subs and if they didnt want to loose subs then why would they try and shut HB down as Im sure some people will not play/sub without the bot
When you bot do you hold conversation with people on your BNet list? If so can they really say you were botting when you are chatting it up in game. I find when I'm botting the dailies to talk to people in guild and around me.

I monitor my bot obsessively since I am botting on my main account. No grinding, no gathering, just lazyraiding and dailies. I actual use lazyraider for all combat as its made me crazy lazy. knock on wood x100 since I havent been unlucky.
When I first bought HB, I didn't supervise it at all. i used to run BGbuddy for hours and hours without supervision. And I never got banned. It was happening over a year ago.

And now? People get instabans as soon as they step on BG. Something is wrong. You can't be telling me that people one year ago didn't report you but now suddenly everyone starts reporting. There is something else there that makes you get caught! and stop defending HB for not being undetected.

I have a feeling one of GMs have found a way to detect HB in particular.

Why then other botting programs get still undetected. Go to other botting program forums and see if anyone is reporting a ban? It's quiet there. Only HB forums are active with ban reports.

no one that i know has gotten banned, and i have a few friends that bot.
I highly doubt they would instaban all botters, even if they detected HB.
That would lead to a huge amount of loss in subscriptions, and would prove to the botting community that botting is not possible, resulting in no more account purchases.
Now listen,
I got banned yesterday for botting 2 hours BG while watching everything 100%, i was even top3 healing in BG, no whispers no nothing.
Just disconnect, and ban.
Afterwards i tried to appeal by stating my account probably has been compromised.
Their response was as follows.


And at last

i lost my acc in BC due to botting.. last glider banwave had 2 high warlords and 1 gladiator char.. only wanted to bot some gold.. instant ban..
i tried to appeal ith "my acount has been compromised" and they said even if that is the case, it's my responsibility to keep it safe and the punishment has been made against the account not the user..
i say USER not OWNER since the also told me that we dont OWN the accounts we merely pay to USE it.. found it kinda harsh but they were right ;/
Don't bot what you dont want to loose. HB wasn't detected it was the fact you were using a profile which I have no doubt others are going over and over the same path. And this is why you got caught. If they had detected HB we would all be here posting ban reports.

Sorry for you loss.

Yep has nothing to do with honor buddy. They prob just monitored your account for suspicious activity and if you ever watch a bot from the outside looking in. Its obivious. Sorry about you losing your account.
Everyone keeps talking about it being due to overused profiles. Ive botted for years with private profiles and never had an issue. Within last week ive lost 2 accounts. Ran each one no more then 7-8 hours a day, 3-4 hour intervals with at least 4 hour break inbetween. Only common denominator is gb2 and bgbuddy. Wish an admin would address all the speculation.
what do you want him to say? his guess is as good as yours. all he can do is check if the hashes/hooks are "detected" by warden. It could be a million different things. Here's a few thoughts of mine:

1) Player reports. People are just generally wiser to the whole botting thing. People bring up glider and how they botted for a long time and were never caught. You have to realize 3-4 years ago the general population was a lot more nieve and couldn't tell the difference between a bot vs a plyer because they weren't as in the know about it because it wasn't as common or known back then. People didnt know what to look for AND (this is the big one) they wern't looking for it as well. People that don't like bots are people that generally DONT bot. Especially BGS. I know heaps of pvpers who find bots annoying so they actively report them. Same goes with Gathering. Getting your node snipped multiple times by a bot is a good way to get a report against you I know my brother personally reports other gatherers, not because he thinks there a bot but just encase. I also believe other botters report other botters because of greed.

2) There could be a "bot target week" Much like police who target lets say drink driving for the week maybe the blizzard CRS are having a bot hunt week or so specifically targeting botters. I also believe that the report player function has been changed to make it more speedy in its ban process as another player had stated. I think if CMS are teleporting players into houses to get them to shuffle about they a) know what to look for about the bots fail safe of being stuck & b ) haven't detected it otherwise they wouldn't be wasting there time with the process.

3) I also don't think it has anything to do with public/private profiles. I've yet to see any bot trains from public profiles and even if you do use a private gathering profile you will still use the smae nodes a public one would use at some point so it would be quite easy to be mistaken for a bot.

You people have to remember all it takes is ONE report. Your bot could have turned at a funny angle or done a 180 at an awkward time or corner turned and a player has become suspicious and reported you. It's all a game of chance. If blizzard has seriously detected HB there would be hundreds of posts in here calling bans. The bot inherently moves slightly awkwardly. If you know what to look for you can figure it out almost 100% if its a bot or not just by observing.

Good luck.

Just a thought.
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2) There could be a "bot target week" Much like police who target lets say drink driving for the week maybe the blizzard CRS are having a bot hunt week or so specifically targeting botters. I also believe that the report player function has been changed to make it more speedy in its ban process as another player had stated. I think if CMS are teleporting players into houses to get them to shuffle about they a) know what to look for about the bots fail safe of being stuck & b ) haven't detected it otherwise they wouldn't be wasting there time with the process.

this is the big question. It isn't hard to see a possible correlation between the 35$ sale and this, but does this mean they just want to goose q1 numbers, or they want to make gatherbotting uneconomical and eventually force many of those account buyers from the game?
this is the big question. It isn't hard to see a possible correlation between the 35$ sale and this, but does this mean they just want to goose q1 numbers, or they want to make gatherbotting uneconomical and eventually force many of those account buyers from the game?
Motives are easy to figure out - enforcement of ToS.
It's the scale and methods that are alarming.
Thats what i was trying to show. Its not that nobody has never heard of this program or has never seen a bot in action (hell read the general wow forums for last 6-7 months). Its that all of a sudden people are getting banned in much greater numbers and reports of observing random teleports, etc. we should end the speculation on the 'ban wave' and work together for a resolution. Facts are obvious: Multiple people are reporting perm bans with no prior suspension or warning, using various profiles at various intervals. Only consistent things in these bans is that they're related to either gathering or bgbuddy. Now whats the resolution?
Motives are easy to figure out - enforcement of ToS.
It's the scale and methods that are alarming.

agree on scale and methods. I bet they had most of the tools they are using this month long ago, but now they are using them.
As with all things in life and business, 'follow the money' is a simply wonderful rule for adding clarity to determining why corporations do the things they do.
Cheers mate just got closed to and I have had my account for same as you. Been botting a few years
72 hour suspension

ok i have just recieved my first and final suspension, seems it is very risky to use bg buddy and especially dungeonbuddy, do not use them !!!!!!!!!!!!
i have been playing wow for 7 uears 5 using honorbuddy and never had an issue , i thought i would give dungeonbuddy a whirl as hardley ever use it and bump 72 hour suspension , as for how they find out ? is called WARDEN !! , when ever you log into wow you give blizzard permission to scan your ram , this is where they get thier evidence , there has been lots of contraversy concerning this and it seem for now there is nothing we can do about it , if you want to play you have to allow this , but also think this breaches a whole lot of privacy laws, untill some bright spark comes up with an idea or a progreamme to literally stop warden hacking into our computers we are kind of screwed , maybe something that will fool warden into checking a dummie file maybe an idea , anyway gatherbuddy i never have had a problem with , niether have i ever had trouble with questhelper , but bg buddy and dungeonbuddy please leave well alone this will get you caught, also in the bg and dungeons you have idiots who think nothing of reporting your arse , becasue they sad bastards who have nothing better to do , remember if alone hard to get reported but once you in a group you are relying on peoples sense of fairness
After YEARS of the same old routine maybe they have switched it up.
Why would they let you know they are able to detect you when they can sneak up on you and take you out without making noise to the rest of the botters around you ?

Dont rock the boat! Ripples NOT WAVES!
When running, the World of Warcraft client may monitor your computer's random access memory (ram) and/or cpu processes for unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with World of Warcraft. An unauthorized third party program as used herein shall be defined as any third party software, including without limitation any addon or mod, that in Blizzard Entertainment's sole determination:

Is this even legal?
Seems like spying, infringement and a general invasion of privacy.
Is this even legal?
Seems like spying, infringement and a general invasion of privacy.
I remember this coming up a long time ago. Warden used to scan your computer for programs like HB/glider/etc and ban you accordingly until someone threatened that it was an invasion of privacy and then it kinda went away for awhile...

However, in this day and age of anti-cheat technology there's probably something inside their ToS/ToU that (because you accepted their agreements) they can scan your RAM/active processes for 3rd party programs like HB or other hacks. So it's really iffy to be honest.

For right now however, if you're 90, DO NOT USE BGBUDDY AT ALL!
Just because you agree to something doesn't make it legal.

I remember this coming up a long time ago. Warden used to scan your computer for programs like HB/glider/etc and ban you accordingly until someone threatened that it was an invasion of privacy and then it kinda went away for awhile...

However, in this day and age of anti-cheat technology there's probably something inside their ToS/ToU that (because you accepted their agreements) they can scan your RAM/active processes for 3rd party programs like HB or other hacks. So it's really iffy to be honest.

For right now however, if you're 90, DO NOT USE BGBUDDY AT ALL!