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Banned after 8+yrs in the Game


New Member
Nov 7, 2011
Well, after 8 yrs in the game and nvr once having any legit issues what so ever, I just got a complete account bann/closier. No temp ban, no suspension, just WHAM!!! account closed. After spending countless tickets and talking directly to a rep from Blizz it was found that a BoT program was indeed detected on my account, a BoT program that allowed me to go from mineral node to mineral node continuely for 4hrs. I have been botting for over 1 yr now and never had any issue with Blizz or any other player. Below is the template set up by HonorBuddy admins for banned accounts.

1)Were you using Honorbuddy, Gatherbuddy or both on the account?
I was using GatherBuddy that came with HonorBuddy on my account.

2)If so, when was the last time?:
Last used on 2/13/2013 at 2:15pm. logged back on at 1:30am and my account was banned

3)What profile were you using?:
I was using a Mega Pack for Pandaria, can't remember due to deleting Honorbuddy from computer.

4)What combat class were you using? if None Just put Default then the Classname:
Was't PvP'ing, so Default

5)What plugins are you using?:
Had all Plugins turned off

6)How many hours per day did you bot for?:
4-6 hrs for 2 days per week, after last BIG patch installed in game.

6.5)What honest percentage of time did you supervise your bot?
My computer in in livingroom, so I watch it as I watch T.V.

7)How many auctions per day did you have?:
Around 60-70 auctions for 2 seperate days, about 3 days apart.

8)Did you Use Any Other Bots, Hacks, or Mods?
Don't use anything else. I was using the same 3rd party addons that are approved by Blizz.

9)Was your account involved in gold selling?
I don't buy or sell gold, That's why I have HonorBuddy, so I don't have to buy it.

10)EU or US realm?
US Realm, Mal'Ganis

11)Is the banned account a Scroll of Resurrection or an actual paid account?
It was an active paid account that has been in use for the past 8 yrs. And this was a total account closier/ban, I didnt get any type of warning, not temp suspension, no temp ban, went from everything was fine to complete shut down of account. I just found out today that 2 friends on Mal'Ganis and another on Kel'Thuzad have also been banned. All had the same explanation, Your account has been flagged for BoT useage.

After purchasing HonorBuddy lifetimer lisence and using it for a year with no issues to all of a sudden being banned, all I can say is that I am sorry to leave W.O.W forever, I will not be starting a brand new account nor spending the cash to purchase the expansions again. I have all the collector editions, the numerous achievements, the pets and mounts, all the BoA's and such. For a first time offender I think Blizz can kiss my ass as to how they handled this to be truthful. A 30day suspension would of been a harsh reality to not use a BoT again, but to just up and rip my account from me, well...I guess I knew the risks that were involved. But then again, HonorBuddy was supposed to be undetectable.


ps.and ofc tell us if its a suspension or a ban
Don't bot what you dont want to loose. HB wasn't detected it was the fact you were using a profile which I have no doubt others are going over and over the same path. And this is why you got caught. If they had detected HB we would all be here posting ban reports.

Sorry for you loss.
If you've been botting for a year you should have known that perma suspensions are actually the norm for gatherbuddy. there are no warnings most of the time.

if you are quitting wow you can sell your battlenet for some cash if it has fancy mounts pets and achievements. the buyer will get all of them after adding a now wow account to the battlenet
You can only add an account to your bnet if it shares the same first and last name and you can't change those. Even a phonecall to blizz/tickets won't let you change it unless you have physical proof of your last name changing from marriage/etc

Believe me, I've tried :P
You can only add an account to your bnet if it shares the same first and last name and you can't change those. Even a phonecall to blizz/tickets won't let you change it unless you have physical proof of your last name changing from marriage/etc

Believe me, I've tried :P

Not adding a new BNet account, just adding a new WoW account.
Don't bot what you dont want to loose. HB wasn't detected it was the fact you were using a profile which I have no doubt others are going over and over the same path. And this is why you got caught. If they had detected HB we would all be here posting ban reports.

Sorry for you loss.

Yes and that's what's happening now, isn't it? People are coming here to report their ban. And many of them every day.

I've been using HB for over a year and had no issues and few days ago had my first suspension with final warning. What I suspect is that we might get reported by one or more players, it doesn't have to happen the same day. Could be in a course of several months. These reports pile up on your account and then when Blizzard has enough reports and evidence they ban you. It could happen in a day if evidence is very strong, or it could happen in a year. But once you get reported, you are on their Black List.
Yes and that's what's happening now, isn't it? People are coming here to report their ban. And many of them every day.

I've been using HB for over a year and had no issues and few days ago had my first suspension with final warning. What I suspect is that we might get reported by one or more players, it doesn't have to happen the same day. Could be in a course of several months. These reports pile up on your account and then when Blizzard has enough reports and evidence they ban you. It could happen in a day if evidence is very strong, or it could happen in a year. But once you get reported, you are on their Black List.

No it is not what is happening now more people are getting banned yes I agree but HB is not detected. The reason people are getting banned are they bot in BG afk and get reported also blizz seems to have stepped up there methods of detecing botting actions not the bot itself i.e the way they move the routes they follow and so on.

There are posts about GM teleporting people and then /w them and if no response then ban I'm not saying this is the reason but it is possible.

So it is not a banwave or EVERYONE would be getting banned not just more than usual.
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When I first bought HB, I didn't supervise it at all. i used to run BGbuddy for hours and hours without supervision. And I never got banned. It was happening over a year ago.

And now? People get instabans as soon as they step on BG. Something is wrong. You can't be telling me that people one year ago didn't report you but now suddenly everyone starts reporting. There is something else there that makes you get caught! and stop defending HB for not being undetected.

I have a feeling one of GMs have found a way to detect HB in particular.

Why then other botting programs get still undetected. Go to other botting program forums and see if anyone is reporting a ban? It's quiet there. Only HB forums are active with ban reports.
When I first bought HB, I didn't supervise it at all. i used to run BGbuddy for hours and hours without supervision. And I never got banned. It was happening over a year ago.

And now? People get instabans as soon as they step on BG. Something is wrong. You can't be telling me that people one year ago didn't report you but now suddenly everyone starts reporting. There is something else there that makes you get caught! and stop defending HB for not being undetected.

I have a feeling one of GMs have found a way to detect HB in particular.

Why then other botting programs get still undetected. Go to other botting program forums and see if anyone is reporting a ban? It's quiet there. Only HB forums are active with ban reports.

ok if HB was deteced by blizz ever single botter who uses HB would be banned so there would be thousands of posts here for ban reports. Maybe the reason HB is being targeted is because alot of people use it. Yes there is something which makes you get caught botting in BG's as the trian of bots are sooo easy to spot with both eyes shut hence the bans as players are reporting you.

And does tripwire not stop you logging in if HB is detected by blizz.?
ok if HB was deteced by blizz ever single botter who uses HB would be banned so there would be thousands of posts here for ban reports. Maybe the reason HB is being targeted is because alot of people use it. Yes there is something which makes you get caught botting in BG's as the trian of bots are sooo easy to spot with both eyes shut hence the bans as players are reporting you.

And does tripwire not stop you logging in if HB is detected by blizz.?

I highly doubt they would instaban all botters, even if they detected HB.
That would lead to a huge amount of loss in subscriptions, and would prove to the botting community that botting is not possible, resulting in no more account purchases.
Now listen,
I got banned yesterday for botting 2 hours BG while watching everything 100%, i was even top3 healing in BG, no whispers no nothing.
Just disconnect, and ban.
Afterwards i tried to appeal by stating my account probably has been compromised.
Their response was as follows.

Your account was suspended due to use of third party programs, which is against the Terms of Use (http://eu.blizzard.com/en-gb/company/about/termsofuse.html), the relevant part of which can be found in this article :LINK


When running, the World of Warcraft client may monitor your computer's random access memory (ram) and/or cpu processes for unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with World of Warcraft. An unauthorized third party program as used herein shall be defined as any third party software, including without limitation any addon or mod, that in Blizzard Entertainment's sole determination:

And at last

The use of such programs or files is clearly unfair to the World of Warcraft community playing regularly and is not tolerated on our servers.

Following a review of your case, we can confirm that such program has been used on your account, and that the subsequent action taken is appropriate. We would not look to enter into any further communications on this issue as the matter is now considered closed.
I highly doubt they would instaban all botters, even if they detected HB.
That would lead to a huge amount of loss in subscriptions, and would prove to the botting community that botting is not possible, resulting in no more account purchases.
Now listen,
I got banned yesterday for botting 2 hours BG while watching everything 100%, i was even top3 healing in BG, no whispers no nothing.
Just disconnect, and ban.
Afterwards i tried to appeal by stating my account probably has been compromised.
Their response was as follows.


And at last

Were you using HB in BG 100% hands free regards less of watching it.? did you see other botters in your BG.?
Were you using HB in BG 100% hands free regards less of watching it.? did you see other botters in your BG.?

I was responding to the Battleground Chat going on, i was botting as resto druid so not much to do but run around and keep group healing at maximum. I was at a 2. place in healing done in the whole BG at the time of ban.
I was responding to the Battleground Chat going on, i was botting as resto druid so not much to do but run around and keep group healing at maximum. I was at a 2. place in healing done in the whole BG at the time of ban.

were you in control of your character while in BG or was HB.?
were you in control of your character while in BG or was HB.?

Nope, i was occasionally chatting in bg chat. But other than that i was just watching the bot on my laptop, while surfing the web on my desktop monitor.
Nope, i was occasionally chatting in bg chat. But other than that i was just watching the bot on my laptop, while surfing the web on my desktop monitor.

Not sure how the healer scripts work in BG's but does it just follow the main group round or a set path.?
Not sure how the healer scripts work in BG's but does it just follow the main group round or a set path.?

I'm not sure how it worked, but it looked like it ran towards points captured by the enemies, and then picked a random or in combat friendly target to keep up with healing.
Gatherbuddy is a risky bot too use, Its only safe if you use your own profile and with the cross realm shit its even higher risk. I have never used gatherbuddy for longer then 20mins then I stopped using since I seen other bots doing the same shit as me.
Bg buddy needs to be fixed, more random paths because so many people use it.
Gatherbuddy looks too bottish, circling around a tree for 20 sec looks bottish
Not adding a new BNet account, just adding a new WoW account.

Does that actually work?

I mean if you add a new WOW account, does it take the Mounts/Achies/Pets etc from the banned ac?

I have never once thought of this :o
ok if HB was deteced by blizz ever single botter who uses HB would be banned so there would be thousands of posts here for ban reports. Maybe the reason HB is being targeted is because alot of people use it. Yes there is something which makes you get caught botting in BG's as the trian of bots are sooo easy to spot with both eyes shut hence the bans as players are reporting you.

And does tripwire not stop you logging in if HB is detected by blizz.?

I think alkyd is just saying that Blizzard knows who uses HB and who doesn't. They just don't ban those who use it in a benign way. Such as multiboxing instances or questing.

You don't even need to read memory. Just plot nodes of interest in several different locations to check if sequential hotspots are entered. Watch the accounts and teleport them as advertised here. That's a sure way to uncover a bot.

Not a whole lot of effort for them involved when it is automated. Just a decision for them to make. Do we ban all HB and lose all those subscriptions? Or do we ban the ones using HB in a negative way affecting the economy and player experiences in contested zones?

Easy answer there.