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The link is on the front page of this there any way short of joining the discussion group to find out which dungeons give the most gph?
I can't test the profile since our realms are offline right now.i try this profile:
Optimized Gold Farms\Dungeons\Cataclysm\Medium\Grim Batol
When I try to run it, the following error appears: Can not start quest bot - this profile does not contain a quest order!
I can not get a log file.
But the only thing I could suggest at the moment is to reinstall your bot.
I'll check the sparks, it's a constantly recurring problem since Blizzard constantly changes spells.I have been testing the Heavy Vortex Pinnacle run for the last 24 hours. Very nice profile with one small problem.
It kills the 1st two bosses then after the 1st set of those sparks adds it jumps of the edge and resets the instance not completing it.
You got 32g for completing the instance on NM not to mention the loot you can sell from last boss and trash in between.
Could you please look into this for me? Love the rest of the profile.
Also the Grim profile on Suicide it sometimes skips the 3rd boss loosing the bonus from completing the instance.
As far as the Grim Batol issue goes - does it engage the boss and drop combat when he runs to get on his drake?
The only thing I could guess is that the latest Honorbuddy update broke something.So I have encountered a new major issue just recently.
The bot will run normal until my inventory gets full and it goes to sell. It will just spam spawn vendor mount over and over. Eventually to the point where other players kill me and then it bugs out.
Even if I sell all of the junk in my inventory and restart the bot, it just spams spawn vendor mount.
Only resolution so far is to relog into Honorbuddy and restart the profile.
Let me know when you find the resolution to this. Thanks again!
Log attached. Only really gets funny at the end of the log.
The profile is fine, it's just whatever they broke (internally) needs to be fixed by them.
I would report this as a bug in their "Bug" thread
It does the instance until it needs to vendor.I am loading [R]Auchindoun profile and it just does 1 instance over and over.. is it not supposed to pick a random one of the 4 in the area?
After it vendors it will randomize to a new one.
You have to use a profile that says "Deposit Gold" on it.Nice profile! I have a question tho. How do I set my bot to send gold to guild bank?
If there's not one for the dungeon you're wanting, I can add it in.
Looting isn't handled by the profile - so it's just the bot ignoring it.Running tol'vir and he doesnt loot lockmaw at all, running to the small goblin bombers and loot the last two then mount up and continuing to the third boss.
need a log?
The only thing I could do on a profile level is make the bot wait there longer in hopes that it will consider looting it.
CTRL+F for "CustomDeathHook"Can you provide me instructions to make this?
Anything wrapped under that behavior is what will happen during the death run.
I currently do not.Great profiles.... thanks for making them available to the community... one question.... do you possibly have a profile for running icc10 up to lich king? Invincible is a nice mount and there are currently no working/supported profiles that I can find for Honorbuddy
Something changed in the bot and it broke the death support logic I was using.anyone get problem when your dead..? just stand before the instance and dont go in. Bot says just " clicking on courpse...... etc etc etc
I sent in a request for them to look into it.
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