mjj23 i love your first post where u explain why to endless farm "gnomeregan" for example. i havent played wow a lot since wotlk and even then i didnt play it like some other people do. and im curius why would someone want to endless farm those classic instances like lbrs, ubrs, zf, dm, sfk, strat living side. i would like to see an explanation
I'll take these one at a time:
Zul Farrak - mainly for transmog items, like Tryrant's and Jade Plate
LBRS - Rare recipes (blacksmithing/tailoring) plus pets (Worg pup and Spiderling) - Also, for those that need them for enchanting mats (some old world enchants still sell well), and this is the best place by far to farm Large Brilliant Shards
UBRS - Last boss drops a cool and rare transmog weapon + more rare blacksmithing plans + more Large Brilliant Shards
Dire Maul - Another place to get Jade/Tyrant plate, and some other transmog
Shadowfang Keep - The holy grail of drops, Shadowfang itself, which should sell for 100-150 k on most servers.
Living Strat - Some transmog, but made mainly to farm righteous orbs (crusader enchant)
As well, the eventual goal of these will be to have a profile for all dungeons, and to make a version of each that will run it once, and move on to the next. Thereby completing the classic dungeon achievement, outlands dungeon achievement, lich king dungeon achievement and so on.
Hope that helps!
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