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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

can the ShadowFang Keep farming profile be rewritten/fixed so that the pathing is better ?

this is an absolute nightmare.
Hi EchoTiger, please see the attached log for reference.

View attachment 182412
The wait timer is there so that the bot will wait before attempting to interact with the altar however it should terminate when the altar is interactable.
If it's waiting the full 5minutes, then your bot may of not killed the boss or something else broke the instance.

I noticed you were a Hunter, make sure your pet is set to "Passive" or else it may inflict 100% damage on mobs, causing the kill to not be registered.

can the ShadowFang Keep farming profile be rewritten/fixed so that the pathing is better ?

this is an absolute nightmare.
Yea, that profile is about 2years old now and it was originally created by a former developer of mine.
Several people have requested it to be remastered, but I haven't got around to it yet.

I'll see about working on it today.

I've added an optimized farm of it in \Optimized Gold Farms\Dungeons\Eastern Kingdoms\Shadowfang Keep.xml\
Could you try it?​
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Yea, that profile is about 2years old now and it was originally created by a former developer of mine.
Several people have requested it to be remastered, but I haven't got around to it yet.

I'll see about working on it today.

I've added an optimized farm of it in \Optimized Gold Farms\Dungeons\Eastern Kingdoms\Shadowfang Keep.xml\
Could you try it?​

you have a lot of my respect for getting around to this on such a shit reply that i left that was fueled from being up really late/trying to keep it together with the horrible pathing that the profile was made of previously :eek:

firstly i've tried starting the profile and the first thing i can tell you is when directly outside of sfk the profile attempts to have you automatically move to "Archibald Kava" (tirisfal glades repair npc) and i'm curious if you can add a behavior that will allow me (alliance) a repair npc vendor at chillwind point or another repair npc that may be closer aside from repair mount so that i can repair/sell greys and the profile will override farming me to my death w/opposing faction npc's in hostile territory.

secondly,if there's any way that you can get the pathing as closely as possible to this it'd be very efficient for community if there could perhaps be another profile that's shearly for max gph in that folder you updated for gathering the mobs/looting etc. for shadowfang/other blues and not focusing on the bosses or completing the instance completely for that matter.


the only spot that is very probable in messing up as far as pathing goes that will probably need some attention is area 1:07-1:10 in video as the previous profile made this spot a nightmare due to the nature of the spot and the pathing not succeeding/getting stuck often.

thanks for all of your updates to community as i'm sure a LOT of people will appreciate/enjoy this,
looking forward to what you do ;)
you have a lot of my respect for getting around to this on such a shit reply that i left that was fueled from being up really late/trying to keep it together with the horrible pathing that the profile was made of previously :eek:

firstly i've tried starting the profile and the first thing i can tell you is when directly outside of sfk the profile attempts to have you automatically move to "Archibald Kava" (tirisfal glades repair npc) and i'm curious if you can add a behavior that will allow me (alliance) a repair npc vendor at chillwind point or another repair npc that may be closer aside from repair mount so that i can repair/sell greys and the profile will override farming me to my death w/opposing faction npc's in hostile territory.

secondly,if there's any way that you can get the pathing as closely as possible to this it'd be very efficient for community if there could perhaps be another profile that's shearly for max gph in that folder you updated for gathering the mobs/looting etc. for shadowfang/other blues and not focusing on the bosses or completing the instance completely for that matter.


the only spot that is very probable in messing up as far as pathing goes that will probably need some attention is area 1:07-1:10 in video as the previous profile made this spot a nightmare due to the nature of the spot and the pathing not succeeding/getting stuck often.

thanks for all of your updates to community as i'm sure a LOT of people will appreciate/enjoy this,
looking forward to what you do ;)
Hehe, no problem.

I didn't really get around to editing the vendors. I left it how Mjj23 had it, but I could add in the other ones.

That pathing is very do-able. The current optimized farm could actually be stripped a bit to follow that.
I've not really come across any stucks in those areas during testing - but if there is a stuck then it would most-likely be a Mesh issue since the profile heavily relies on it.
Hehe, no problem.

I didn't really get around to editing the vendors. I left it how Mjj23 had it, but I could add in the other ones.

That pathing is very do-able. The current optimized farm could actually be stripped a bit to follow that.
I've not really come across any stucks in those areas during testing - but if there is a stuck then it would most-likely be a Mesh issue since the profile heavily relies on it.

npc "foreman milos" @ andorhal wpl seems to be the closest one,looking forward to that stripping though :)

that's a good note in regard to no stucks in that area,but with that note taken i'll be sure to report back after testing.

look forward to the community finally having an optimal sfk farm after a long while:)
npc "foreman milos" @ andorhal wpl seems to be the closest one,looking forward to that stripping though :)

that's a good note in regard to no stucks in that area,but with that note taken i'll be sure to report back after testing.

look forward to the community finally having an optimal sfk farm after a long while:)
I found another NPC as a vending solution named 'Wallace the Blind'
I managed to calculate his distance from the dungeon as compared to Foreman Milos' to see if he was any closer.

Wallace the Blind is roughly 1432.5339 yards away from the instance portal whereas Foreman Milos is about 3323.7418.

A 280% flying mount (which flies at about 27yards/sec if flying straight)
Calculated with:
/script x=GetUnitSpeed("player") DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("Speed: %d yds/sec, %.1f kph, %.1f mph, %d%% normal run speed",x,x*3600/1093.6133,x*45/22,x/7*100))

It should only take about 56seconds to fly to Wallance whereas it would take about 2minutes to get to the Foreman.

WoWhead reports him as a neutral vendor and he can repair.
So he should be a perfect vendor to use.

damn dude, I should report you for rl hacking. rlly looking forward to this profile as well. :)

I released a Shadowfang Keep profile to the SVN that focuses purely on Trash+Chests.
The pull route is based off of the video anonymoose linked earlier.

The run itself is dynamic so that group pulls are adjusted depending on the 8 randomized chest spawn locations.
If a chest is spotted while pulling, the bot will stop to kill any mobs its pulled and then loot the chest.
Similar to how the 'manual' farmer is doing in the video.

If the chest is locked (which several of the chests further in the dungeon will be randomized to) - it will take into consideration if you're a Rogue or not.

The profile should be located here:
\Optimized Gold Farms\Dungeons\Eastern Kingdoms\Shadowfang Keep - Trash+Chest Focus.xml

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Honorbuddy Startup Complete
Warning: Exception of type 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileException' was thrown.
Warning: Could not parse While body node
Changing current profile to Shadowfang Keep - Optimized Gold Farm - Heavy Pulls, Trash+Chest Focus [$Rev$]
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Current zone is Silverpine Forest (http://wowhead.com/zone=130)
[Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[Singular] Your Level 90 Human Discipline Priest Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Silverpine Forest
[Singular] ... Zone: Eastern Kingdoms using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[Singular] *Fear Ward on Me @ 100.0%
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 45]: Getting new profile.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 45]: Loading remote code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pookthetook/AzyulBotBase/master/Navigation/ToEasternKingdoms.xml.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 45]: Loading new profile.
Warning: Exception of type 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileException' was thrown.
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 32
Warning: Could not parse While body node
Changing current profile to Shadowfang Keep - Optimized Gold Farm - Heavy Pulls, Trash+Chest Focus [$Rev$]
Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do.

not sure if profile has an error or
What's the better dungeon profile in GPH terms now?

I used to farm Gundrak, around 800GPH, instead botanica(where bans were more common). I got 2 bans anyway doing this :P.

So, wanna farm some dungeon, but don't know which one, and safety of dungeon farms now T.T
Honorbuddy Startup Complete
Warning: Exception of type 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileException' was thrown.
Warning: Could not parse While body node
Changing current profile to Shadowfang Keep - Optimized Gold Farm - Heavy Pulls, Trash+Chest Focus [$Rev$]
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : Questing
Current zone is Silverpine Forest (http://wowhead.com/zone=130)
[Singular] Hotkey: To add a LOGMARK, press: [Shift+Alt+Ctrl+M]
[Singular] Your Level 90 Human Discipline Priest Build is
[Singular] ... running the Questing bot in Silverpine Forest
[Singular] ... Zone: Eastern Kingdoms using my SOLO Behaviors alone
[Singular] *Fear Ward on Me @ 100.0%
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 45]: Getting new profile.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 45]: Loading remote code from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Pookthetook/AzyulBotBase/master/Navigation/ToEasternKingdoms.xml.
[LoadRemoteCode-vUnknown(info) @line 45]: Loading new profile.
Warning: Exception of type 'Styx.CommonBot.Profiles.ProfileException' was thrown.
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 32
Warning: Could not parse While body node
Changing current profile to Shadowfang Keep - Optimized Gold Farm - Heavy Pulls, Trash+Chest Focus [$Rev$]
Bot stopping! Reason: Nothing more to do.

not sure if profile has an error or
I'm not getting any errors on my end.
I'm not getting any errors on my end.

i'm not sure what that log means,
the profile revision was working fine last night.

as soon as i updated this afternoon with the new svn link after i had left the video and we had discussed a new vendor etc. i couldn't get it to load and attached what was aforementioned above as that's what it's doing to me.

going to make a fresh hb and reinstall/redownload from the svn,
maybe something caused it to corrupt a few things.
HI there, awesome scripts! I just have one problem with the Grim Batol instance farm.

It seemed to work fine, I'm not quite sure why its started acting up, but after it clears an normal run, it waits just before exiting the instance with the message "Normal run complete, returning to entrance for reset" whilst also saying "setting twilight wyrmcaller at 24 yards as your target"

Any help would be appreciated:)
Bot also all stuck in botany at the exit of the cave. please correct
You've reported this before, I've not been able to emulate the error on my end on any of my testers.
I'll check it again and attempt "fixes", but I can't promise anything since it's not really presenting itself as an error.

whats the best class to use this.
For the dungeons, any melee class will work well.
Most people use Druids because in cat form, they have a passive speed buff + Dash which really cuts down on dungeon run-time.

For enviromental farming, Hunters.
Hunters in a PvE enviroment are pretty much a one-man dungeon group.
Pet for tanking, Spirit Bond for healing and raw Hunter DPS for DPS.
Gundrak profile is stuck and will not farm as of the new patch. Sitting right outside- will not move. I've never had issues like this before. Was running this fine yesterday before patch.

XP/HR: 0
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Honor Gained: 0 (0/hr)
BGs Won: 0 Lost: 0 Total: 0 (0/hr)
Time to Level: 0 hour(s) 00 minute(s) 00 second(s)

Goal: Moving to <6962.967, -4409.615, 446.2835> [Ref: "MoveTo" @line 489]
Gundrak profile is stuck and will not farm as of the new patch. Sitting right outside- will not move. I've never had issues like this before. Was running this fine yesterday before patch.

XP/HR: 0
Kills: 0 (0/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Loots: 0 (0/hr)
Honor Gained: 0 (0/hr)
BGs Won: 0 Lost: 0 Total: 0 (0/hr)
Time to Level: 0 hour(s) 00 minute(s) 00 second(s)

Goal: Moving to <6962.967, -4409.615, 446.2835> [Ref: "MoveTo" @line 489]
Which Gundrak profile?
I'll have to check it manually to make sure none of the built-in quest behaviors were broken.
Which Gundrak profile?
I'll have to check it manually to make sure none of the built-in quest behaviors were broken.

Changing current profile to Gundrak - Optimized Gold Farm - AM [$Rev$]

Name of actual File: [AM - Alpha] Gundrak

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