Bot sometimes get stuck at the entrance of The Botanica
[Ref: "Botanica - Gold Optimized - Heavy Pulls [$Rev: 1143 $]" @line 469]
[00:51:16.082 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[00:51:16.129 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[00:51:16.300 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[00:51:16.300 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[00:51:16.300 D] Goal: Moving to <3410.782, 1485.11, 182.8369> [Ref: "MoveTo" @line 355]
[00:51:16.394 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: Behavior [Loot, Pull] DISABLED by Questing or Plug-in
[00:51:16.347 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedMoveTo.
[00:51:16.347 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[00:51:16.347 D] Inserted new hook [Combat_Main @0] a5843456-d920-443a-b99b-90bec7956709
[00:51:16.347 D] Behavior flags changed! All -> Death, Combat, Vendor, Roam, Rest, FlightPath
[00:51:16.347 D] Goal: MyCTM-v1906: In Progress (no associated quest)
CTMoving to <3416.718, 1481.022, 182.8369>
[Ref: "Botanica - Gold Optimized - Heavy Pulls [$Rev: 1143 $]" @line 356]
[00:51:16.987 V] Loading Expansion01_29_25
[00:51:16.987 D] [MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Maximum allowed time to reach destination: 20 seconds
[00:51:21.058 N] [MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump
[00:51:24.069 N] [MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: StrafeRight, JumpAscend
[00:51:32.290 N] [MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Trying to jump
[00:51:35.348 N] [MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Stuck. Movement Directions: Backwards, StrafeLeft
[00:51:37.423 N] [MyCTM-v1906(fatal)] MyCTM is not able to reach <3416.718, 1481.022, 182.8369> from <3400.564, 1488.009, 182.2393>
[00:51:37.423 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: Fatal error in quest behavior, or profile.
[00:51:37.469 D] Removed hook [Combat_Main] a5843456-d920-443a-b99b-90bec7956709
[00:51:37.532 D] Behavior flags changed! Death, Combat, Vendor, Roam, Rest, FlightPath -> All
[00:51:37.532 D] [MyCTM-v1906(debug)] Behavior completed in 21s
[00:51:37.532 D] Activity: Honorbuddy Stopped