Halls of Lighting with the debuff he keeps on walking which is 90% of the time causing me to die. @lvl90
Arc Weld - Spell - World of Warcraft
Arc Weld - Spell - World of Warcraft
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The HasAura is fixed ?I'll have to check it. "HasAura" is causing a lot of issues right now.
for this error ;Log please.
Log please.
Reports similar to this has been coming up all around the forums.
There's not much I can do on my end, it'll have to be fixed by a bot update.
Uh btw, when running the profile, I got this "we are stuck".Any idea when you will get the time to fix the Chess event in Kara?![]()
Thus far this script earned me about 7k gold, Sold two pieces of heroic gear off my person somehow, and destroyed a few bags. Be wary of the "sell all" functionality!
I'll check it out, some things have changed internally that seem to of broken the logic.Hi Echo! I'm using the Deathcharger's Reins - Endless Farm. But in the last area befor Ramstein the Gorger enters the bot is just standing trying to attack the Venom Belchers and Bile Spewers in the room, it says "You'r to far away" over and over. When i manually kills the last 1-3 it keeps on going. But after the last boss is killed it just stands on the boss, dosent loot and wont go outside the dungeon and repeat. (HB says no viable mobs in the area, over and over)... then if i press stop and then start it starts looting every damn mob and killing everyting in the instance... So broken profile atm m8, would love if u could look into it.
I have the latest update of HB and ur newest Master-pack profiles
Hmm, this log doesn't stop at Altairus, but instead seems to stop before actually entering the instance.Hello,
I want to farm drake of northwind, but the profile stops before Altairus.
Here's the log: View attachment 172760
Hmm, how exactly is it failing? The log just shows the bot attempting to use the Hearth.The profile gets stuck whenever I need to use a hearthstone. Log (View attachment 172851) repeats the following with the error:
[Ref: "Azyul ~ Master Mount Farm [$Rev$]" @line 452]
[23:06:23.687 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:06:23.688 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:06:23.688 D] [WaitTimer-v1906(debug) @line 453]: Behavior sees 'done'. Skipping behavior.
[23:06:23.688 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:06:23.818 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[23:06:23.819 D] Activity: RunLua: UseItemByName(6948) 1 number of times while waiting 500 inbetween
[23:06:23.820 D] Goal: RunLua-v1728: In Progress (no associated quest)
I'd appreciate any help fixing.![]()
I'll check it out, some things have changed internally that seem to of broken the logic.View attachment 172867
Bot doesnt know what to do after it kills rivendare. it didnt loot him it just freaked out
also, your deathchargers reigns profile is the only one that works for me now. nothing else does
lol fix 1 thing break the others
I've sent several updates that should fix some of these errors.I downloaded Honorbuddy: 2.5 r13288 Build 776 from Buddy Updates and It will update itself. So most likely this is the latest version.
The SVN works fine. You're most-likely trying to visit it via HTTP which won't work becaues it's a SVN link.Hi Echo,
I'm having heavy trouble with the profile of TOLVIR.
After few run (sometimes even on the first run) the profile fail and bot stops.
Here the logs.
I'm running latest version of HB and of your profiles (with the svc software inside your full pack - btw your GITHUB doesn't work)
I've experimented with a logic that'll enable combat once that debuff is detected, but the bot didn't execute the logic properly.Halls of Lighting with the debuff he keeps on walking which is 90% of the time causing me to die. @lvl90
Arc Weld - Spell - World of Warcraft
It should still be working.After few run, the command /stats or /stats2 don't work anymore.
How to fix?
Yea, it should be.The HasAura is fixed ?
Aggro tolerance has been an issue since Draenor was released.Love your profiles with a bit of tweaking otherwise some bosses don't get pulled :/ Not too sure why.. I stand myself ontop of them to ensure pull.
Was wondering is there any LUA or anything that can be put into the profile to Force a vendor sell?
Again Thanks for the awesome profiles!
Also how to stop the Tol'vir suicide pull x1 from using GB and just sell everything? Will have a look myself, but incase you see this quicker
Edit: Found the guild bank code and removed all the unnecessary coding.
I'll check it when the servers come back online.All the randomized dungeons are getting compiling errors.
It should be fixed.any word on the "has aura" issue yet?
The issue has been fixed several days ago - however if you're using the SVN you probably didn't get the update.Hello! When I try to load the pandaria world profile [SK-Heavy]Shao-Tien Mogu (or any of those for that matter), I get these errors and the bot does nothing.
2 compiler errors encountered in profile '[SK-Heavy]Shao-Tien Moguls [$Rev: 1132 $]'
'If' xml element on line number 279 has following errors
1) The name 'HasAura' does not exist in the current context at offset 0
'If' xml element on line number 282 has following errors
1) The name 'HasAura' does not exist in the current context at offset 0
If it truely is a profile issue, then something internal to the bot must of changed.for this error ;
Getting this running the Glorious Plate profile. Worked before HB update
2 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Mjj23's Glorious Plate Grind [$Rev: 1085 $]'
'If' xml element on line number 437 has following errors
1) ; expected at offset 0
2) Invalid expression term ')' at offset 0
Tony says its not a hb problem. He asked me to inform you. And said its a profile issue.
It doesn't matter where the XML is located.When I try to run a classic dungeon instance grind, I click load profile, it says "Warning could not parse while body node"
I'm running latest HB
does it matter where the xml file is for the profile?
I tried opening it from default profiles within my HB install, as well as trying from its own directory
It's on the bug tracker, but very low priority.Any idea when you will get the time to fix the Chess event in Kara?![]()
I'll check it out.Uh btw, when running the profile, I got this "we are stuck".