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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

thanks, ill test it now

Edit : can we put here also all greenies please, could not find a proper code
				<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="
					if GuildBankFrame:IsVisible()==true then
						print(&quot;|cFF3399FF[Azyul]|r: Depositing Frostweave Cloth and Cristallized.&quot;)
						for b=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(b)
							do local n=GetContainerItemLink(b,s)
								if n and strfind(n,&quot;33470&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37702&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37705&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37700&quot;) then
					end" />
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Edit : can we put here also all greenies please, could not find a proper code
Yes, you can add this to the line, which checks if the item name is colored in green.

n and strfind(n, &quot;ff1eff00&quot;)

You might wanna check Echo's other script to deposit to multiple bank tabs.
First spot happens at the end of the run near the entrance? Can you check next time if your character is still in combat when this happens.

Second spot, do you mean the camels after High Prophet Barim? Can you check if Lockmaw is dead when this happens.

Third spot, this only happened to me ONCE few weeks ago, and I was unable to reproduce this. In my case it happened after killing the boss.

Try uploading a log of when the bot gets stuck, and a short description of where and when it happened.

Also, there are two logs, one of the pg on stuck on the stairs, and another one where it kill the boss, and then sit waiting to summon ??

I attached two logs, the 5436 2015-01-31 10.13 is when he is stuck going up and down the stairs.
And the 5516 2015-01-31 09.54 is when he sits down (and then I stopped and started the BOT again, he should exit the dungeon but is stuck on the exit)View attachment 5436 2015-01-31 10.13.txtView attachment 5516 2015-01-31 09.54.txt
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Hi, trying to run the Heavy Northend Pulls Radomizer on a fresh install of HB. Keep getting the following error

Cannot load profile!
The 'If' start tag on line 190 position 2 does not match the end tag of 'QuestOrder'. Line 1920, position 3.
How do you guys deal with gankers outside instances? Before I just used an other account to invite and transfer me to a PVE realm but somehow it doesn't work anymore.
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Got any idea why my bot is selling greens? I got it set to false in the XML.

using "Gundrak - Guild bank Money+Greens+Frostweave in Dungeon" from the cloud with sell all unchecked in /ashow
Which profile are you using exactly?
The AM menu will only work with the [AM-Alpha] profiles.

SVN isnt working for me, neither is zip.
I can't confirm any outages, but they're both online as of now.

I have a strange problem.
With more account, running the same profile, some of them get stuck, the other no (with profile: SUICIDE: [N] Lost City of the Tol'vir - (x1) - Guild Bank Money+Embersilk LATEST SVC)

In Grim batol, another strange thing happen, some PG clear all istance (all 4bosses) others skip the 2 or the 3 boss (with profile: SUICIDE: Grim Batol - (x1) )

All pgs are lvl100-different classes
I need to know where they got stuck - perhaps a screenshot of the location.

Level 100s will most-likely have aggro tolerance issues considering the profiles were designed for/with a level 90.

they are still deleting them :(

i even deleted the lines for the bottled nether drinks and they still delete those too.

also it wasnt on line 463, 463 are some cordinates to run to.
Deleting the line(s) as Phillyasd suggested should prevent them from being deleted.
Alternatively there's some "Keep Tome" profiles on the Cloud:

Omega why don't u put that tome in your Profile (this 1 that u farm with it)

EDIT : Hey Azy,i tried to edit 1 of ur profile, to be able to deposit and crystallized air,fire,water into the gbank like frostweave cloth, First is with Crystallized things, second is the original code from u, so my problem is that when i enter those 3 things below ur cloth, the profiles is working realy slow, like 10-15 sec between every Way Point, could u help, cus while i am selling my Crystalls i am loosing alot of gold, Thank u

The addition of Lua to the block shouldn't be decreasing performance in the bot.

Alternatively, with your code - you could just be using a single If line to filter your items:
if (n and strfind(n,&quot;33470&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37702&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37705&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37700&quot;) then
That way you won't have to have all that excess Lua.

You could also replace those Ids with "Crystallized" - then it will filter any item with Crystallized in its name.

I don't know where to take the logs :S
Honorbuddy Folder / Logs / ->

For details.

Hi, trying to run the Heavy Northend Pulls Radomizer on a fresh install of HB. Keep getting the following error

Cannot load profile!
The 'If' start tag on line 190 position 2 does not match the end tag of 'QuestOrder'. Line 1920, position 3.
I'll investigate.
Recently the universal navigation was re-written, during the mass-edit issues may of been caused.

Are you using the ZIP or SVN version?
How do you guys deal with gankers outside instances? Before I just used an other account to invite and transfer me to a PVE realm but somehow it doesn't work anymore.
Start up a anti-ganker service.
Have botters pay you to protect their farmers. ;P

But - I personally don't have a solution for them.
Most people just try different dungeons or modify the profile so that it uses stealth prior to exiting the dungeon.
bot enters Stratholme and keeps running into the gate after several runs. I think it's when it needs to repair/sell
Hm, when this issue occurs - do you see "[Azyul]: Moving to sell, repair, mail" (or anything similar) appear in the log?

If not - and you're sure it's going to the vendor, then it could be Honorbuddy's built-in vendor logic activating.
Start up a anti-ganker service.
Have botters pay you to protect their farmers. ;P

But - I personally don't have a solution for them.
Most people just try different dungeons or modify the profile so that it uses stealth prior to exiting the dungeon.

Okay. The only instance that actually constantly has gankers outside is Gundrak, but sadly it is the best gold/hour by far from the instances I have tried.

Any suggestions what I should go instead to get similar gold/hour?
Which profile are you using exactly?
The AM menu will only work with the [AM-Alpha] profiles.

I can't confirm any outages, but they're both online as of now.

I need to know where they got stuck - perhaps a screenshot of the location.

Level 100s will most-likely have aggro tolerance issues considering the profiles were designed for/with a level 90.

Deleting the line(s) as Phillyasd suggested should prevent them from being deleted.
Alternatively there's some "Keep Tome" profiles on the Cloud:

The addition of Lua to the block shouldn't be decreasing performance in the bot.

Alternatively, with your code - you could just be using a single If line to filter your items:
if (n and strfind(n,&quot;33470&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37702&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37705&quot;) or n and strfind(n,&quot;37700&quot;) then
That way you won't have to have all that excess Lua.

You could also replace those Ids with "Crystallized" - then it will filter any item with Crystallized in its name.

Honorbuddy Folder / Logs / ->

For details.

I'll investigate.
Recently the universal navigation was re-written, during the mass-edit issues may of been caused.

Are you using the ZIP or SVN version?

I have the logs attached to a previous message.

But essentialy they stuck on the exit of the istance, on the right side of the stairs - against the wall.
Then in the middle of the Istance, where the camels are.
Then in front of the Prophet boss, they go up and down the stairs.
it happend very often... he dont engage the boss, and it can happen that when he kill the boss he sit down.
Here the last time it happend (he didnt engage the boss)
[Ref: "Lost City of the Tol'vir - Gold Optimized - Suicide [$Rev: 1089 $]" @line 452]
[16:42:03.687 D] Activity: Wait time remaining... 0s of 0s.
[16:42:03.760 D] [DoWhen-v1931(debug)] WaitTimer behavior complete.
[16:42:04.093 N] (Singular) (Singular) info: 5.6 seconds since BotBase last called Singular (now in Rest)
[16:42:03.821 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[16:42:03.856 D] [DoWhen-v1931(debug)] Behavior completed in 0s
[16:42:03.856 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[16:42:03.856 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedIf.
[16:42:03.856 D] Goal: Nothing
[16:42:04.097 D] [QDBG] Done with forced behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[16:42:04.139 D] [WaitTimer-v1906(debug)] Behavior completed in 49s
[16:42:04.410 D] [QDBG] Starting behavior Bots.Quest.QuestOrder.ForcedCodeBehavior.
[16:42:04.411 D] Inserted new hook [Questbot_Main @0] 34572f24-e769-4c84-b4f0-7179049c2a76
[16:42:04.411 D] Goal: BreakImmunityByKillingMobsInCloseProximity-v1686: In Progress (no associated quest)
[Ref: "Lost City of the Tol'vir - Gold Optimized - Suicide [$Rev: 1089 $]" @line 548]
[16:42:04.432 D] Activity: Moving to Search Area
[16:42:08.284 D] Changed POI to: Type: Loot, Name: Neferset Theurgist
[16:42:08.358 N] Moving to Type: Loot, Name: Neferset Theurgist
Okay. The only instance that actually constantly has gankers outside is Gundrak, but sadly it is the best gold/hour by far from the instances I have tried.

Any suggestions what I should go instead to get similar gold/hour?
I honestly do not know.
I haven't botted in nearly a year.

Most people go for:
Stonecore, Drak'tharon, Grim Batol, Tol'vir or The Botanica.

I have the logs attached to a previous message.

But essentialy they stuck on the exit of the istance, on the right side of the stairs - against the wall.
Then in the middle of the Istance, where the camels are.
Then in front of the Prophet boss, they go up and down the stairs.
The stuck near the stairs is most-likely a combat lock issue caused by the non-aggro bandits.
The camel area is caused by the bot not killing the Prophet.
The last one isn't a profile issue, it just sounds to me like your navigation is messing up for whatever reason.

I've pushed a SVN update to the Suicide Tol'vir profile, I don't know if it'll help.

It should be fixed in the latest update unless there's another out of place wrap.

it happend very often... he dont engage the boss, and it can happen that when he kill the boss he sit down.
Here the last time it happend (he didnt engage the boss)
Try with the latest SVN update.
Apparently the QuestBehavior that was being used is broken and will need to be fixed by the core-devs.
I honestly do not know.
I haven't botted in nearly a year.

Most people go for:
Stonecore, Drak'tharon, Grim Batol, Tol'vir or The Botanica.

The stuck near the stairs is most-likely a combat lock issue caused by the non-aggro bandits.
The camel area is caused by the bot not killing the Prophet.
The last one isn't a profile issue, it just sounds to me like your navigation is messing up for whatever reason.

I've pushed a SVN update to the Suicide Tol'vir profile, I don't know if it'll help.

It should be fixed in the latest update unless there's another out of place wrap.

Try with the latest SVN update.
Apparently the QuestBehavior that was being used is broken and will need to be fixed by the core-devs.

I'm using the latest version.

And now I'm triyng the Hall of lights profile, but there the bot skips some bosses (and so no dungeon bonus)
Hello again,

quick question, is there a profile to run Stonecore for gold "not the mount"? because I only see one in the pack for the mount, and the bot doesn't loot the trash corpses
Hello, just wanted to give a feedback after 40 potions of luck ( about 14hours ) of farming with the [SK-Heavy] Shao-Tein Mogu profile on my BM hunter.
Bot only got stuck once on a tree wich must be really unlucky. Got about 8k golds only from looting,selling greens/blues and oppening caches as well as 7 skyshards.
I was not expecting getting such good results ! And tons of stuff is still waiting to be sold in the AH
If you count the skyshards in the GPH I would estimate around 1.2 k per hour wich is really really good for a bot.
I might try to automatize the cache opening and deposit materials to bank.

EDIT: Tons of stuff sold on AH. Brings up GPH to about 1.7k per hour wich is insane for a bot ! ( Still waiting to sell things, this profile might give about 2k GPH everything counted)

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Hello, just wanted to give a feedback after 40 potions of luck ( about 14hours ) of farming with the [SK-Heavy] Shao-Tein Mogu profile on my BM hunter.
Bot only got stuck once on a tree wich must be really unlucky. Got about 8k golds only from looting,selling greens/blues and oppening caches as well as 7 skyshards.
I was not expecting getting such good results ! And tons of stuff is still waiting to be sold in the AH
If you count the skyshards in the GPH I would estimate around 1.2 k per hour wich is really really good for a bot.
I might try to automatize the cache opening and deposit materials to bank.


I have tryied, with a Paladin lvl100, and he agro all the mobs, but then he run to agro more, and lose the mobs, and kill 1-2 of 20 in the zone.
have u done special settings?