Ok so i got a problem, i'm a noob at bot using so maybe its common but i don't know.
I tried to use the profile to get the vitreous stone drake.
And the bot keeps stopping with that reason :
[FlyTo-v1844(fatal)] Toon doesn't have flying capability in this area, and there is no ground path to the destination. Please learn the flying skill appropriate for this area.
But i have ALL flying abilities i can even just start the bot WHILE flying and it just dismount and then say this error again. Wtf.
It did this in undercity too, looks like it does that when inside a cave or undercity even if you can fly inside that, this bug happen.
Edit : Ok so i had to get out of the zone for it to finaly work... But it did the same in other places... Also get stuck sometimes in dungeons... Like the dungeon to get the horse, the toon just get stuck trying to go through a door while it just has to kill a small boss right behind him for the door to open... I don't know how to send logs but whatever... Just saying it here for you to know.
Edit 2 : Kinda same bug in the dungeon for the vitreous drake, you have to hit Milhouse for the wall of rock to fall and then open the area to go and actualy kill the drake. My toon just Ignore him, and try to go through the wall.