Are you using hunters? I had same problem until I disabled disengage from singular, it also bugs Tol'vir if hunters.In suicide profile of grim batol bot started to fall in lava near 2 boss and die after last bot update.
Moonkin, monk, hunter. And after it dies it stands in ghost near portal to dungeon, endless trying to pick up corpse... This ahppened on 3 diff accs today for 10+ times.Are you using hunters? I had same problem until I disabled disengage from singular, it also bugs Tol'vir if hunters.
Same on grim batol )after last update, when you die in the halls of lightning, the bot doesnt seem to find its way back into the instance
it stops like one step in front of the instance entrance
i also noticed he is not flying to the entrace when dead, but is running on the ground all the way
This issue hasn't been reported yet.having trouble with botanica sell everything profile , character just waits endlessy near the exit( instead of reentreing after coldown reset) . If i manualyl restart honorbudyy - it works
There has been several reports that the DoWhen behavior has been broken as of the latest update.[DoWhen-v1790(error)] For DoWhenActivity ActivityName(MoveDefHook), predicate ((Me.Combat && Me.IsMoving && Me.IsInInstance && Me.IsAlive) && ((!WoWSpell.FromId(13809).Cooldown) || (Me.HealthPercent <= 30 && !WoWSpell.FromId(19263).Cooldown))) was not reset by execution.
This is a profile problem, and can result in erratic Honorbuddy behavior.
The predicate must return to 'false' after the action has been successfully executed.
Its a grim batol profile.
Honorbuddy is on a [Test Release].Hello Echo Tiger,
Can you fix it the Heavy Pulls, - The Botanica xml and the Alpha Botanica xml. ?
Is not good working for me. My Characters going to instance and pull the mobs.. And my characters do not kill the mobs.
What do I do?
Retry once Honorbuddy is updated to a Stable release.In suicide profile of grim batol bot started to fall in lava near 2 boss and die after last bot update.
There's no simple way of doing it.Hi!
Tty for great profiles! U make our gaming easier))
I'm farming Grim Batol all the night long with your profile, but I can't deposit greens to GB because of my guild master..
So can u please tell me, how can I modify profile, that he would mail greens?
Or he could disenchant them when picking up)
sorry for my English))
It could affect your main. Or it may not.Hello
im curious about Gundrak - Guild Bank Money+Frostweave profile;My farm account farms gundrak deposit gold's etc. to guild bank then i withdraw the money with my main character doesnt it affect my main ? Or did i get banned because of it (i mean not farming just withdrawing the gold) sorry for my english hope you understand what i mean.
Tell in detail what's wrong, or post a log.[Azyul Cloud] Grim Batol (x1) - Deposit Greens didn't work me still selling greens anyone else tried yet?
Wait until Honorbuddy has been updated to a Stable release.Hi guys,
If the bot on - because the profiles are underway shit singular? Or is that actually the profiles?
My character go in the instance Drak'Tharon farms and many mobs together. Be taken until the mobs into the target to kill the bot 5.Minuten it does not matter.
Ps. - > Sorry for my bad English. (google translate is shit )
The current release of Honorbuddy is a Stable release.after last update, when you die in the halls of lightning, the bot doesnt seem to find its way back into the instance
it stops like one step in front of the instance entrance
i also noticed he is not flying to the entrace when dead, but is running on the ground all the way grim batol sometimes bot jump in lava.
The current release of Honorbuddy is a Stable release.Like others said, botanica is somehow bugged now, often it goes afk after killing last boss, and doesnt go out and reset
The code looks fine.Hey man, I tried using this profile but it doesn't deposit the greens into my gbank - I changed the sellgreen to false so it doesn't vendor them. Is this the reason why?
What's "it" ?it happened again with unedited profile, heres the log for the first run i saw it happen
View attachment 159247
Post a log.Hey man, I have a little problem... My Dk enter in Grim batol and juste walk and dont fight... Do you have an idea for help me??
Thank you.
Sorry for my English... It's not good :-D
Glad to hear. Grats!death charger reins looter after 15 run, thanks my friend
Start it in Outlands.Can I ask where I should start the profile if I would like to farm Judgement Armor (RC) ?Thank you.