Waited for this kind of answer . i have alot of accounts on lvl 90 so i will test this to!
btw, will a lvl 90 be able to run the suicide profile?
Dunno, if you have high ilvl you could try.
Waited for this kind of answer . i have alot of accounts on lvl 90 so i will test this to!
btw, will a lvl 90 be able to run the suicide profile?
Waited for this kind of answer . i have alot of accounts on lvl 90 so i will test this to!
btw, will a lvl 90 be able to run the suicide profile?
I use lvl 90 prot paladins with full wod greens ilvl 483 to farm suicide. Or you can just activate 10day wod trial do the quests in frostfire ridge until you get ilvl ~520 items then run it. I still couldn't find a good combat routine that prioritizes aoe to farm efficiently with a paladin. I believe feral druid would be the best or even a moonkin
If the bot is running from the nova mid-combat, then that's your combat routine.
However, I don't think there's any combat routine logic to tell the bot to run away - so it has to be something else.
My servers IP changed due a problem at the our datacenter last night.
The link "works" - however it will take some time for your ISP to propagate the changes.
In the mean-time, you can use this link:
http://azyul.com/[Azyul] Optimized Gold Farms.zip
What is the best Azyul's profile to make Gold as a Tauren Level 80?
It's hard-coded into profiles. But only profiles that are marked with it.
Ex; [AM-Alpha] The Botanica.
I created a profile for Poundfist, but never officially released it.
I use lvl 90 prot paladins with full wod greens ilvl 483 to farm suicide. Or you can just activate 10day wod trial do the quests in frostfire ridge until you get ilvl ~520 items then run it. I still couldn't find a good combat routine that prioritizes aoe to farm efficiently with a paladin. I believe feral druid would be the best or even a moonkin
Is it still possible to use your char after the 10 day trial if it leveled up?