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[Azyul Project] Dungeon Farming, Gold Farming, Mount Farming, Transmog Farming, and more!

If i run the sell everything profile on bontanica will it sell my cloak of coordination too? If so, how can I protect it?

Also, how can I add code to delete all the sunfury signets, all the potions and the food/drink. I have refreshment detection turned off and item codes deleted out of setting but it still wont sell my food/drink.
If i run the sell everything profile on bontanica will it sell my cloak of coordination too? If so, how can I protect it?

Also, how can I add code to delete all the sunfury signets, all the potions and the food/drink. I have refreshment detection turned off and item codes deleted out of setting but it still wont sell my food/drink.

it shouldn't. I have it set to "sell everything", but it still doesn't sell BoE epics. Mine auto sells the signets?
Is the Botanica still the most efficient grind? I've used it after using a modified level 100 Deathwish profile for Hall of Lightning and I can't see what the fuss is about for the former.
didnt work , same problem , tried the new release 759, and the profile from ur svn again , and seemed to work....^^

btw i ran the profile from the svn and noticed again (i didnt add the questbehaviours because they dont work and i think u said somewhere not to) that he just runs straight to the endboss door, and doesnt talk to akama, is it because of a missing questbehaviour/ not fixxed questbehaviour (by the hb bot) or because of the profile?
No, that profile doesn't require any Quest Behaviors to work.
The Akama bug has been around for ages because at the time of re-constructing the profile, my character wasn't strong enough to get past the 4 boss mobs.
So I could never get to the point of testing the Akama section. :P

Its been low priority because that's practically the end of the raid.

When running Kara Script

[Compiler Error]: c:\adult\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Chess.cs(156,79) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.Generic.List<ulong>.Contains(ulong)' has some invalid arguments
[Compiler Error]: c:\adult\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Chess.cs(156,102) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWGuid' to 'ulong'
[Compiler Error]: c:\adult\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Chess.cs(308,59) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.Generic.List<ulong>.Add(ulong)' has some invalid arguments
[Compiler Error]: c:\adult\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Chess.cs(308,77) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWGuid' to 'ulong'
Warning: XML Error: Could not parse 'If' body node! - On line 73
[Compiler Error]: c:\adult\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Chess.cs(156,79) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.Generic.List<ulong>.Contains(ulong)' has some invalid arguments
[Compiler Error]: c:\adult\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Chess.cs(156,102) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWGuid' to 'ulong'
[Compiler Error]: c:\adult\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Chess.cs(308,59) : error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for 'System.Collections.Generic.List<ulong>.Add(ulong)' has some invalid arguments
[Compiler Error]: c:\adult\Honorbuddy\Quest Behaviors\Chess.cs(308,77) : error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'Styx.WoWInternals.WoWGuid' to 'ulong'
Warning: Could not parse While body node
Changing current profile to Frostfever's Endless Magisters' Terrance Farm [$Rev: 1085 $]

I did just get it to run, but it tries to go to the old portal to outland, so I thought I'd let it run a but after I took it to outland...lol...it just ran into sethik halls and ran that instead...lol

thanks for all your work

Karazhan was broken by patch 6.0.2.
An update hasn't been sent yet to reflect this 'status' or fix it.

Will send one out now. ;P

The Chess code has been commented out, the profile should be runable but will pause at the Chess event for you to manually complete.
After you do that, it will finish the rest of the run.
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Hi EchoTiger

I use your code to selling all items but bot sometimes don't sell all. Maybe you know why?

Increase the NumOfTimes.

When I start the Tempest keep mount profile, it gives me a pop up in-game. Isn't that dangerous?
It's fine.

If i run the sell everything profile on bontanica will it sell my cloak of coordination too? If so, how can I protect it?

Also, how can I add code to delete all the sunfury signets, all the potions and the food/drink. I have refreshment detection turned off and item codes deleted out of setting but it still wont sell my food/drink.
Yes it will.
You'll need to add it to the Lua selling script.

Replace all occurences of:
if (n and strfind(n, &quot;ff9d9d9d&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ffffffff&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ff1eff00&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ff0070dd&quot;)) then

if (n and strfind(n, &quot;ff9d9d9d&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ffffffff&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ff1eff00&quot;) or n and strfind(n, &quot;ff0070dd&quot;) and not n:find(&quot;65274&quot;) and not n:find(&quot;65360&quot;)) then

Not tested, but I'm fairly certain that would work.

The Sell Everything/All script will sell that stuff.
Else, you'd need to remove them from your ProtectedItems file and turn off your "Refreshment Detection" plugin and remove the food/water entries from your Settings & Tools menu.
All this is explained in the solution center.

it shouldn't. I have it set to "sell everything", but it still doesn't sell BoE epics.
None of the Sell Everything scripts sell BoE epics because they typically don't drop in normal difficulty dungeons.

If you want it to sell epics, add: n and strfind(n, &quot;ffa335ee&quot;) to the Lua script.
You can get an example of this from all of my replies above.

Is the Botanica still the most efficient grind? I've used it after using a modified level 100 Deathwish profile for Hall of Lightning and I can't see what the fuss is about for the former.
It's debatable.
Gundrak, Drak'tharon and several others are up there also.
The vitreous drake farm that should be endless isn't endless for me. Everytime the boss is killed, the bot naturally returns to the start of the instance, but then the bot starts to wait 3 mins. Is this normal behavior?

Nevermind, I realize the bot is supposed to wait :>
Your script is great, thanks bud!

But I don't really see why the wait is longer than the actual run? It takes a few seconds less than 3 minutes to complete the run, while the bot has to wait for a few seconds more than 3 minutes before running out, resetting and going for it again.
If this wait time were to be eliminated, you could do twice as many runs in the same amount of time.

- Another realization occured: you can only do 5 instances per hour. I get it now :>
It's 10 per hour.
The behavior should be gaging 6minutes per run.

If your bot is waiting longer than a total of 6minutes per run, then your behavior isn't properly updated.
Hey EchoTiger,

This may be a Honorbuddy issue, but in a slightly modified Grim Batol profile(Suicide) I occasionally see these errors

)] Unable to apply event filter for COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED

When these occur, my character will momentarily jump and move around a bit. This isn't a problem unless if it next to an edge - then I fall into lava.

I had modified the script to do the following

<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" SpellId="5118" UseWhen="!Me.Combat &amp;&amp; !Me.HasAura(5118)" AllowUseDuringCombat="false" /> <!-- Aspect of the Cheetah -->

It works fine, but I get the error message above and that results in erratic behavior.
I converted it to this style instead

<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" ActivityName="MoveDefHook" AllowUseDuringCombat="True" UseWhen="!Me.Combat &amp;&amp; !Me.HasAura(5118)" >
<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" Lua="CastSpellByID(5118);" />

The error messages have gone away and it behaves much more normally. I just find it strange and was curious if you knew the reason.

Try with this plugin:
Azyul Cloud

unfortunately , did not result with blacklist on mob. :(

I woke up and they killed in the same place . put the plugin with them dead and did not work (LOG WITH PLUGIN WHEN THEY ARE DEAD View attachment 3680 2014-12-09 09.42.txt). are now running with the plugin to see if they die , what happens.

It's 10 per hour.
The behavior should be gaging 6minutes per run.

If your bot is waiting longer than a total of 6minutes per run, then your behavior isn't properly updated.

Yea, I noticed it works perfectly when I don't interfer with it. The drake just dropped for me on ~15th try :-) Thank you for the script!
Hey EchoTiger,

This may be a Honorbuddy issue, but in a slightly modified Grim Batol profile(Suicide) I occasionally see these errors

When these occur, my character will momentarily jump and move around a bit. This isn't a problem unless if it next to an edge - then I fall into lava.

I had modified the script to do the following

<CustomBehavior File="Hooks\DoWhen" SpellId="5118" UseWhen="!Me.Combat && !Me.HasAura(5118)" AllowUseDuringCombat="false" /> <!-- Aspect of the Cheetah -->

It works fine, but I get the error message above and that results in erratic behavior.
I converted it to this style instead

The error messages have gone away and it behaves much more normally. I just find it strange and was curious if you knew the reason.
The Combat_Filter error, I'm not sure.
Sounds like an internal issue with the bot's communication with Lua.

The DoWhen hook issue, the bot is ticking the Hook faster than the game client can return that the buff is active.
If it's constantly spamming it, then there may be an issue within the hook itself.

unfortunately , did not result with blacklist on mob. :(

I woke up and they killed in the same place . put the plugin with them dead and did not work (LOG WITH PLUGIN WHEN THEY ARE DEAD View attachment 157081). are now running with the plugin to see if they die , what happens
The plugin is designed to make the built-in death support work if the bot resets.
Without the plugin, the built-in death support will never activate because the DEATH_HOOK will pause the profile logic.

It's not meant for blacklisting the mob.
But instead, a solution to if you die and the bot is reset.

Why profile for Grim Batol (suicide) doesn`t sell water?
The Solution Center already explains this.
Disable the plugin "Refreshment Detection" and remove the food/water settings from your Settings & Tools menu.
Hi Echotiger!
Nice profiles your making! i have a problem tho with " Get All Mounts" , Starting the bots in SW , they go to the portal which takes you to WOD.
After the run for raven lord they need to go back to SW and yet again they go to the portal which takes you no where. Blizzard added new portals, can you pls add them so this run can be flawless! :) , thanks again!

Edit: All my bots when they cleared sethek halls and going out to mount up they fly back into the cave again and releases in the air.
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Hi Echotiger!
Nice profiles your making! i have a problem tho with " Get All Mounts" , Starting the bots in SW , they go to the portal which takes you to WOD.
After the run for raven lord they need to go back to SW and yet again they go to the portal which takes you no where. Blizzard added new portals, can you pls add them so this run can be flawless! :) , thanks again!
Yea, I'm aware, haven't had time to fix this issue yet though.
Hey Echo, thank you for your work on these profiles.

I tried searching the thread trying to find whether you or anyone else already commented on the issue, but couldn't find anything on it. I've been running your Grim Batol suicide profile and the regular heavy pull Gundrak on a level 100 hunter. I noticed the fairly often the bot would move close to a pack of mobs - obviously with the intention to agro them - but the agro range was too short to get the mobs involved. While I haven't ran the Grim Batol profile at 90, I noticed a significant reduction in how many mobs are effectively killed per instance in Gundrak at 100 compared to 90.

As far as I've been able to gather the Grim Batol and Gundrak profiles are the highest income profiles you have right now, so I'm curious whether you're planning to update these profiles for 100 or whether you have more profitable routes in mind for level 100 characters.
Hey Echo, thank you for your work on these profiles.

I tried searching the thread trying to find whether you or anyone else already commented on the issue, but couldn't find anything on it. I've been running your Grim Batol suicide profile and the regular heavy pull Gundrak on a level 100 hunter. I noticed the fairly often the bot would move close to a pack of mobs - obviously with the intention to agro them - but the agro range was too short to get the mobs involved. While I haven't ran the Grim Batol profile at 90, I noticed a significant reduction in how many mobs are effectively killed per instance in Gundrak at 100 compared to 90.

As far as I've been able to gather the Grim Batol and Gundrak profiles are the highest income profiles you have right now, so I'm curious whether you're planning to update these profiles for 100 or whether you have more profitable routes in mind for level 100 characters.

Instance limit.
Man i really wanna learn how to code like this, a run for example Firelands, take portals etc :)
Also Mimirions head and ICC for invincible would be awsome, would donate for those profiles!
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Hi EchoTiger

I use your code to selling all items but bot sometimes don't sell all. Maybe you know why?

			<CustomBehavior File="Misc\RunLua" NumOfTimes="12" WaitTime="2000" Lua="if MerchantFrame:IsVisible()==true then if buffer==nil or buffer>4 then buffer=0 end 
				MerchantRepairAllButton:Click() if buffer<5 then for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(buffer) do local n=GetContainerItemLink(buffer,s) if (n and 
							strfind(n, "ff9d9d9d") or n and 
							strfind(n, "ffffffff") or n and 
                            strfind(n, "ff1eff00") or n and 
							strfind(n, "ffa335ee") or n and 
							strfind(n, "ff0070dd")) and n and not 
							n:find("6948") and not 
							n:find("110560") and not 
							n:find("53010") and not 
							n:find("4306") and not 
							n:find("2592") and not 
							n:find("33470") and not 
							n:find("33470") and not 
							then UseContainerItem(buffer,s) 
							end end buffer=buffer+1 end end" />

Increase the NumOfTimes.

This not resolve problem. Bot don't want sell all time the same items "few green items". Strange.