Any idea why (or know how to fix) the bot blacklisting pretty much every pool after maybe 2-4 hours? I also don't know how to remove the blackspots to start anew.
Still having issues with this one fishing the junk pools around the ships.
First of all this autoangler is amazing, I just recently got HB and started using it, I seem to be having a problem with pausing while its running goes 20y stops goes 20y stops, I saw someone had posted about this earlier and I tried changing my settings to what was recommended but its still doing the same thing and not sure what I need to do if the recommended changes are still not working.
Hello and thanks for using the profile. Almost half of my responses to fishing profiles are in response to this problem. Currently there is nothing we can do besides mess with the pathprecision.
Thanks alot buddy! Great profile. But there is one issue - sometimes when you've killed a mob who attacked u bot starts to fish again. And "Not deep" error might appear. After 15 tries bot moves about, like 1-2 steps into random(i guess direction). This might cause u to stuck for 10-15 mins @ one fishing spot. Is there any solution for this?