This is champion! This is what i got
AutoAngler[2.100]: In 0 days, 2 hours and 57 minutes we have caught
AutoAngler[2.100]: Emperor Salmon x268
AutoAngler[2.100]: Krasarang Paddlefish x132
AutoAngler[2.100]: Sealed Crate x21
AutoAngler[2.100]: Jade Lungfish x5
AutoAngler[2.100]: Redbelly Mandarin x1
AutoAngler[2.100]: 97 Silver
31 Copper x0
AutoAngler[2.100]: Ghost Iron Ore x4
AutoAngler[2.100]: Corn-Breaded Sausage x4
AutoAngler[2.100]: Spiced Beef Jerky x4
AutoAngler[2.100]: 81 Silver
18 Copper x0
AutoAngler[2.100]: 53 Silver
69 Copper x0
No problems at all, thanks Gatherit!