The IsActive section of WaterWalking.cs is searching for the wrong priest levitate aura. Priest Levitate causes two seperate auras depending on Glyph of Levitate. Unglyphed = 111759 and Glyphed = 111798. The Priest Glyph of the Heavens does not affect either of the two primary auras. I applied a fix to the file and it now works as intended. I tested it by canceling levitate and swapping glyphs while levitate was active and inactive. AutoAngler handled the scenarios fine and continued to fish and apply levitate as appropriate. Below is a snippet showing the correction.
public static bool IsActive
// DKs have 2 Path of Frost auras. only one can be stored in WoWAuras at any time.
// Priest Levitate causes two seperate auras depending on Glyph of Levitate. Unglyphed = 111759 Glyphed = 111798
// Priest Glyph of the Heavens does not affect aura
return StyxWoW.Me.Auras.Values.
Count(a => (a.SpellId == 11319 || a.SpellId == 111759 || a.SpellId == 111758 || a.SpellId == 546) &&
a.TimeLeft >= new TimeSpan(0, 0, 20)) > 0 ||
StyxWoW.Me.HasAura("Path of Frost");
TY Highvoltz for the awesome fishing bot.