Actually they "keep track" of how much ANY mob has been killed and by whom.
That however has nothing to do with bans, at all.
This is a player report ban.
There aint any Automatic Response bans based on who/what you sell/grind, period.
The only "automatisation" going in is the # of player reports resulting in a ban.
Pay attention to the lack of questionmarks in my post.
You posting as a moderator kinda makes ppl believe that you have hard evidence on stuff. Its kinda important that you use your influence with a certain amount of restrain unless you have some hard evidence that are very new (as in last month).
Edit #2:
Before I get jumped. There IS automatic bans however that are triggered by the goldflow statistic between accounts.
Everyone is allowed to believe what they want, no one here has proof of anything, including yourself. Enough people have tested the automated suspension based on grinding location/mobs/items dropped and confirmed it that I'm confident in it being true, and will continue warning people about it. Player reports do not account for the results we have seen.
I've personally started two characters, same class, same race, same settings, same profiles, on two different servers. Both were suspended within an hour of each other in the same location using a profile that I've gotten suspended on before, which is why I was testing it. Another character leveled using a different profile was not suspended.
There are people out there who watch their bots whenever they are running and know for a fact they weren't reported, who still eat a suspension when they stay too long in one of the areas we think are triggers for automatic suspensions.
We even have correspondence between a user and a Senior GM stating that the user was suspended because of how many mobs he killed in a certain area and that it was automatic, along with an apology and a restoration.
If that isn't enough proof for you, then you don't have to believe it. But don't tell people here definitively that there is no such thing because you don't believe there is. All of this was done within the last two months, when the 72hr bans started ramping up and no one knew why they were happening.