Im not sure if I installed it right, it keeps fishing pools of fire when it goes near them? Could you please tell me how to install the profile
i have auto angler, and I load profile and nothing happens bot just stands there
are you using auto angler or poolfisher? this is setup for auto angler only.
this is a good profile but sagefish dont sell on my server wonder if u could make this gubby only
If you read the main post you'd see it was created with the intention of keeping the guppy pools up and in order to do so you MUST fish both the guppy and sagefish. Blizzard wont confirm this (ive tried) but the pools are linked and the easiest way to farm guppy is to use this profile and take some of the sagefish too, maybe u should cook them for int/ spri food and sell that? Ive made tons of gold doing it that way
this is the best profile ever tho, only one issue when he goes to the lava if that mini boss is there he will spaz out and go back in forth alot
I don?t know why today it works great and yesterday it only fishes pools it can see on the minimap.
If all pools on the minimap were emptied my toon only stands arround and waits.
Wenn i manually mount up and fly in range of a filed pool the bott takes control again, fish the pool til it is empty.
As i said today no such habit.
Thank you for this great profile.