This thread is ridiculous. We have reached out to you to try to diagnose the problem (a week ago), and you did not respond to those queries until this morning. 40 minutes after you responded with anything useful you created this thread about us not doing anything.
We are working on the issues and might need direct contact to diagnose if it is indeed not an OVH problem, and see what is going on when you connect to our servers. Can you PM me some contact details (Skype name preferred) and we can see where to go from there.
Once again sorry for the issues and we do apologize.
Frankly Main,
Your reply, as most of yours have been regarding this issue is what is truly ridiculous. Refusing to hear the feedback of your customers that are experiencing issues, that we all really know is on your end is utterly RIDICULOUS. Do you think we're all stupid? Do you think that just because we turn to you for your service, that only you are capable of understanding this? Seems you need to take a big step back, and take a huge dose of humility. These issues all stemmed from Honorbuddy updates. They didn't just randomly appear. With the sheer arrogance of your tone, I'm positive that you haven't even really lifted a finger to do the real research work on the forum side. The latest batch of these threads in the Support Forum all started at the same time. It was roughly 3 patches ago. The big update that pushed 2013 C++.
This was after WoD was released, and things were very smooth. I remember being totally impressed at how HB was running. In fact, you guys were amazingly faster than all of the programmers that have premium profiles, and routines. So, please quit insulting our intelligence. You are seriously treading on "biting the hand that feeds you" territory. Either you do not possess the temperament to handle criticism, feedback, etc and should stay off these types of threads, or you are getting way to overly emotional when someone has a problem with your work. Either is a very bad thing. Maybe if you quit blaming everything that goes wrong on your customers as a knee jerk reaction, and instead try to listen and actually find a solution. You probably would already have had this issue resolved by now.
I've owned my own business for many years now. The worst thing you can ever do is treat your customers like they are total idiots. Guess what? Collectively, your customers spend an enormous amount of time with your product, more than you ever will in your entire lifetime. How about showing a little gratitude that people even pay you for what you do for a change? We can all be patient, and understanding. We all know that Blizz threw a lot of curveballs your way with this expansion. How about just toning down the blame game, learn how to handle customers, and just stay level headed? Also, for the love of GOD, get rid of the fucking copy and paste replies.......
I have completely wiped my system, started completely anew. I had my internet company come out and run totally new lines to my house. I had my modem / router replaced with a completely new model. I called the highest level internet tech I could reach, and he ensured me that ports 80, 5001, and 5031 were not shut off by my provider. All because you took the stance that you couldn't possibly have anything wrong on your end, it all had to be on mine. Well guess what? After all of this trouble, the expense, time, and energy, I still get THE FUCKING ERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess you were wrong all along....