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At vendor because bag space needed. I have only 2 free.


Jan 15, 2010
Well, I got a 72HR suspension today. Damn. But that's not what the complaint is about:

When I looked back at the computer, to turn on another account to run, I checked it out.

I had -that- message on so many lines, I figure... the bot just stood there, for who knows how long, trying to find greys or whites to vendor to make bag space, but found none.

It was likely filled with Netherweave Cloth and greens.

So, it couldn't vendor anything. But it refused to do anything until it had bag space.

Is there a way it could be configured into the bot, if it tries to vendor more than like three times... it just stops trying to vendor, and stops looting, until the user manually empties the bags out?

No sense in it just doing nothing at a vendor for who knows how long.

This may or may not be related to the Economic Exploitation ban. I -had- just sold 23k gold, but, hey. No reason not to fix that issue, right?
You could of used the mail option to mail all your cloth to another toon.
When there is nothing more to sell it should mail the items (if <MailWhite>True</MailWhite> is enabled)
So i think the issue here is that
1. no mail hotspot was added to your profile
2. MailWhite was set to False

So add mailing or remove Netherweave Cloth from your <ProtectedItems> list
and set <SellGreen> to True
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Well, I got a 72HR suspension today. Damn. But that's not what the complaint is about:

When I looked back at the computer, to turn on another account to run, I checked it out.

I had -that- message on so many lines, I figure... the bot just stood there, for who knows how long, trying to find greys or whites to vendor to make bag space, but found none.

It was likely filled with Netherweave Cloth and greens.

So, it couldn't vendor anything. But it refused to do anything until it had bag space.

Is there a way it could be configured into the bot, if it tries to vendor more than like three times... it just stops trying to vendor, and stops looting, until the user manually empties the bags out?

No sense in it just doing nothing at a vendor for who knows how long.

This may or may not be related to the Economic Exploitation ban. I -had- just sold 23k gold, but, hey. No reason not to fix that issue, right?

on what Hb version are you?
beta version=test version=version with bugs=babysiting version

its better to use HB 1.331 or 1.333 if you want to afk it

Sometimes on HB 1.333 while vendoring/mailing it gets stuck, if vendoring it will vendor everything it should but it will stay at vendor and just says "going to mailbox" in HB, standing still for hours. If at mailbox it will mail everything and say "Moving to hotspot" and standing still for hours.
This only happens sometimes, most of the time it works fine and I'm using the same profile the whole time.

this is in logs i guess this would be fixed in hb2 with the premade meshes and all? :)
[03:46:08:818] At vendor because bag space needed. I have only 2 free.
[03:46:14:259] Only 2 bag slots free. Going to mail.
[03:46:15:210] [Navigator (Zul'Drak Raptors Nomfather v2.mesh)]: Changed destination! Last: <6893,032, -4107,772, 467,3539>, new: <5482, -2644, 309>
[03:46:15:462] [GeneratePath (Zul'Drak Raptors Nomfather v2.mesh)]: StartNode not connected to EndNode in path generation.. wtf
[03:46:15:685] [GeneratePath (Zul'Drak Raptors Nomfather v2.mesh)]: 4 tries to generate path, and it couldn't be generated.
[03:46:15:706] [Navigator-WalkPath (Zul'Drak Raptors Nomfather v2.mesh)]: GeneratePath failed!
[03:46:16:543] [GeneratePath (Zul'Drak Raptors Nomfather v2.mesh)]: StartNode not connected to EndNode in path generation.. wtf
[03:46:16:742] [Navigator-WalkPath (Zul'Drak Raptors Nomfather v2.mesh)]: GeneratePath failed!
[03:46:17:536] [GeneratePath (Zul'Drak Raptors Nomfather v2.mesh)]: StartNode not connected to EndNode in path generation.. wtf
[03:46:17:735] [Navigator-WalkPath (Zul'Drak Raptors Nomfather v2.mesh)]: GeneratePath failed!
^^^^^^^^keeps on going until stopped
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beta version=test version=version with bugs=babysiting version

its better to use HB 1.331 or 1.333 if you want to afk it

And that is why I thought to let the people know about this issue.

It'd be a very simple check, " If bags are full, and can not vendor anything, and nothing to mail, then cancel all, resume, and skip vendoring until next start."