*smells something weird*
Hm.... I think I'm going to take this and your previous response as a teaser of upcoming news...!
Or to tell you guys that you aren't REALLY entitled to know anything about development of a new bot, and that when it comes out, it comes out.
That is kind of a common theme I keep seeing across forums dealing with bots and hacks and the like... Huge cases of entitlement issues and demands.
If there's money involve, to a certain extent; it does entitle people to something.
Last I check, people are willing to pay for this.
The issue i sse is the game will completely collapse and the market will be saturated with too much stuff, it wont even be profitable to grind mats and market them. So much stuff will be on the market at super low prices that anyone who even puts it up will have to pay such a high overflow tax that you will LOSE gold and it will cause the market to crash and a majority of people will leave.
I fully support bots in games, but on this one circumstance, i foresee it completely destroying the player base and crashing the market. There arent enough actual people vs people who would be botting. Currently the market is ALREADY flooded with so much crap that prices are less than 20% of what they were in the first few weeks. Professions are basically only profitable to you, because market prices for most things have dropped to less than the cost of making them.
The upcoming content update promises this legendary reward (requires at least 4 grouped bots to farm) which costs 5,000g when bought on AH and takes 12,000g to upgrade. (1g is at $0.38 now)
Thats kind of misleading, seeing as how they just posted saying that NA isn't getting legendary weapons until the second patch coming out in over a month.
Cutting selected stuff out leads to bugged issues.
That is exactly what they have been doing from the start though... They are censoring the game to tailor it to the American and European gamer as they think we want it.
i dont understand this silence. They can jsut say, we are looking into, we have no plans about it, or we are still thinking on weather we should do it or not. Why the silence ? If they would just make some strawpool or open donation box to fund the project i am all up. Currently using one of those chinese or w/e gold selling bot and it does the job decently, but i know buddyteam can do it x10 times better.