This has been patched on my realm. Gerard Tiller no longer gives a quest, at all. And, upon reading the wowhead comments about this NPC, this was said, "Supposedly, there has been an exploit found involving this quest which makes it reward a level 1 player with 60,000 guild experience, allowing players to create a toon and get a guild to level 25 in minutes. Do not exploit this glitch, as tempting as it may be, as it will likely lead to a permaban for your account once it is fixed. A recommendation for Horde players is to kill Gerard Tiller, the questgiver, to prevent this unfair experience gain." And, also, someone has already mentioned it, but there's a post on the official wow forums. So, once again, I missed out on trying to help my guild level. I can go ahead and delete this toon. Lame.
Trollbane - Alliance - US