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Arch buddy or Questing?

Which is faster for leveling?(80-85)

  • Arch buddy is faster

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Quest bot is faster

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Would it be faster to use gb2 to farm herbs and ore at the same time rather than using arch buddy ? Plus ull have more to sell making more gold ?
Would it be faster to use gb2 to farm herbs and ore at the same time rather than using arch buddy ? Plus ull have more to sell making more gold ?
No, the exp per hour would be a little lower. I get around 480k/hr picking herbs and mining. I got around 600k/hr doing arch.
and over 1 million (OVER 9000?!) questing ;)
^^ this.
Hyjal, Kick's profile, 2 heirlooms and 5% guild perk: 1.2 million XP/hr. (approximately. Was running it last night and was awestruck to see these numbers)
Ya'll are smoking ***** if you think arch buddy is faster than questing. For instance, kicks profiles can net me over 1.5m xp/hr + in the 80's questing whereas i get about 300k from arch. There it is. Now, the question is.... afk or babysitting? Archaeology buddy is the king, for me at least, of afk leveling.... very safe, but very slow- i usually wait b4 bedtime and set it to bot all night after a few hours of QUESTING :D

True....Arc buddy is the afk king. no beer fest signs to worry about....ftw
this is the debate i am having with myself........

i used kick's profile which is great..but must be baby sat........
Let's see some numbers posted rather than opinions! Archaeology is definitely the afk king though so even if questing does give more xp/hr you can likely leave archaeology bot running for longer... I may update this later as I try different things.

It appears as though the xp/hour does keep a running average so please post raw numbers after the bot has been running for long enough that the number stabilizes!

I'll post average nodes per hour as well. Please note the archaeology stuff is by a paladin with crusader aura up and master riding skill (as fast as fast can be 492% flying).

Now obviously your luck may vary as the node spawns are random but in my mind the longer you let it run the more accurate it should be (if the xp/hour is a running average as it appears to be). Also note that your xp per node will be different depending on your level which is why I posted nodes per hour because in the end that's what matters.

Archaeology - Kalimdor 504k xp/hr @ 10.5k xp/node = 48 nodes per hour (After 3 hours)
Archaeology - Eastern Kingdoms 492k xp/hr @ 10.5k xp/node = 47 nodes per hour (After 4 hours)
Archaeology - Outlands 590k xp/hr @ 10.5 xp/node = 56 nodes per hour (After 1.5 hours - quit early due to Halaa issue below)
Archaeology - Northrend 407k xp/hr @ 13.2 xp/node = 30 nodes per hour (After 3 hours)
Kick's Mount Hyjal 1027k xp/hr (After 3 hours)

Outlands note - Halaa node can kill your xp/hour very easily because of the goofy guards. Could blacklist the node but that means you skip one node... I'm thinking this may render this area less than ideal if your faction does not control Halaa.

Northrend - Skorn node can get you into combat because of the casters in the towers. You get into combat and then sit there until you die.... hmm perhaps not ideal either if you're melee... it may be ok if you're a caster. Not sure. I went afk for a couple of hours and noticed the xp/hr drop down quite low so I'm assuming it ran into the same problem a couple of times.

P.S. I just noticed this was a zombie thread.... oh well...
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Let's see some numbers posted rather than opinions! Archaeology is definitely the afk king though so even if questing does give more xp/hr you can likely leave archaeology bot running for longer... I may update this later as I try different things.

It appears as though the xp/hour does keep a running average so please post raw numbers after the bot has been running for long enough that the number stabilizes!

I'll post average nodes per hour as well. Please note the archaeology stuff is by a paladin with crusader aura up and master riding skill (as fast as fast can be 492% flying).

Now obviously your luck may vary as the node spawns are random but in my mind the longer you let it run the more accurate it should be (if the xp/hour is a running average as it appears to be). Also note that your xp per node will be different depending on your level which is why I posted nodes per hour because in the end that's what matters.

Archaeology - Kalimdor 504k xp/hr @ 10.5k xp/node = 48 nodes per hour (After 3 hours)
Archaeology - Eastern Kingdoms 492k xp/hr @ 10.5k xp/node = 47 nodes per hour (After 4 hours)
Archaeology - Outlands 590k xp/hr @ 10.5 xp/node = 56 nodes per hour (After 1.5 hours - quit early due to Halaa issue below)
Archaeology - Northrend 560k xp/hr @ 13.2 xp/node = 42 nodes per hour (Preliminary under 1 hour)

Outlands note - Halaa node can kill your xp/hour very easily because of the goofy guards. Could blacklist the node but that means you skip one node... I'm thinking this may render this area less than ideal if your faction does not control Halaa.

P.S. I just noticed this was a zombie thread.... oh well...

Interesting results which confirm my previous testing, thanks.
this is the debate i am having with myself........

i used kick's profile which is great..but must be baby sat........

if you can code me behaviors then we can make it 100% afk together

until then... user assistance is needed

i suggest you start learning some C# :p
I would love to help and know a decent amount of C#. I was looking through the developer forum a little bit but can't really find anything relating to a starting point. I'll look at the existing quest behaviours. Are there any other resources I should be aware of? Hmm there is a user guide. Anyway I'll see what I can do.
Arch bot at night, quest in the day when you can just take a quick look at your pc every hour or so.

But honestly i pretty much afk'd it with kicks profile from 1-78 like a week ago.
Legit: 1-5
Botting while watching every few minutes: 5-12
Botting while checking every hour or so: 12-81
Botting archaeology: 51-85

That's just my two sense off kick's profiles (alliance).
This is my first post here, I'm having a great time using honorbuddy over all, but I'm using it on my main acct and being super careful. I hand leveled all my characters to 80 and ive lvled a druid completely with HB, my druid, priest and shaman are all at 85, and I've got a warrior at 84. Leveling the warrior has SUCKED, Ive been sticking to using AB because its the only one i feel comfortable AFK, then I get on in the morning and the thing has SAT THERE FOR 7 HOURS in one spot, this is the second time its done it....here's the log I don't understand at all it makes no sense. PLEASE HELP.....Well I just tried to attach link but its too big so fuck it....I tried blacklisting certain dig sites, but it gets stuck at a different fucking one each time... god this sucks.
This is my first post here, I'm having a great time using honorbuddy over all, but I'm using it on my main acct and being super careful. I hand leveled all my characters to 80 and ive lvled a druid completely with HB, my druid, priest and shaman are all at 85, and I've got a warrior at 84. Leveling the warrior has SUCKED, Ive been sticking to using AB because its the only one i feel comfortable AFK, then I get on in the morning and the thing has SAT THERE FOR 7 HOURS in one spot, this is the second time its done it....here's the log I don't understand at all it makes no sense. PLEASE HELP.....Well I just tried to attach link but its too big so fuck it....I tried blacklisting certain dig sites, but it gets stuck at a different fucking one each time... god this sucks.

Legit: 1-5
Botting while watching every few minutes: 5-12
Botting while checking every hour or so: 12-81
Botting archaeology: 51-85

That's just my two sense off kick's profiles (alliance).

I'm guessing you mean you were using the bot to quest until 51, then you used Archa until 85? How long did the whole process take you? I'm trying to figure out the best, most efficient, AFK'able way to level from 1-85. It seems to me that Kick's Ally questing profiles are the fastest so far, although they do require some interaction at level 80+.

I came from Pirox and relied heavily on BG XP but Kick's profiles just blow my mind and seem to be much safer than BGs.
1-80: Questing
80-82: Kick's Hyjal is mostly afkable
82-83: Kick's Deepholm requires some babysitting due to the zone being plagued with combat stucks and other problems.
83-84: Kick's Uldum is mostly afkable, but largely depends on Pit of Scales being bugged at the moment or not.
84-85: I open TH portal and do Archy (will switch to BGBuddy/DGBuddy when they're out).

That's what I do, at least 1-82. Then it depends on if I can babysit or not, if I can, I quest, if no,t I do Archy (significantly slower).
1-80: Questing
80-82: Kick's Hyjal is mostly afkable
82-83: Kick's Deepholm requires some babysitting due to the zone being plagued with combat stucks and other problems.
83-84: Kick's Uldum is mostly afkable, but largely depends on Pit of Scales being bugged at the moment or not.
84-85: I open TH portal and do Archy (will switch to BGBuddy/DGBuddy when they're out).

That's what I do, at least 1-82. Then it depends on if I can babysit or not, if I can, I quest, if no,t I do Archy (significantly slower).

Thanks for the advice! I was looking for something along these lines. Do you ever use BGBot? I find the XP to be a little erratic depending on which faction is winning the BGs. It's also a little riskier than questing which is why I was curious about questing from 80-85. Like you said, 82-85 has to be babysat if questing.

What is "BGBuddy/DGBuddy"?
Thanks for the advice! I was looking for something along these lines. Do you ever use BGBot? I find the XP to be a little erratic depending on which faction is winning the BGs. It's also a little riskier than questing which is why I was curious about questing from 80-85. Like you said, 82-85 has to be babysat if questing.

What is "BGBuddy/DGBuddy"?

BG Buddy is due to replace PvP bot/BGbot Beta same as DG Buddy or Dungeon Buddy will replace Instance Buddy.
Think both are due for release end of the month/start of next month.
Thanks for the advice! I was looking for something along these lines. Do you ever use BGBot? I find the XP to be a little erratic depending on which faction is winning the BGs. It's also a little riskier than questing which is why I was curious about questing from 80-85. Like you said, 82-85 has to be babysat if questing.

What is "BGBuddy/DGBuddy"?

Hope it helped :).
I don't ever use BGBot. Not worth the risk for me, though I AM very much looking forward for the new BGBuddy (BGBot replacement) and DungeonBuddy (InstanceBuddy replacement).
How long would it take to bot with arc from 60 - 85 ? I mean i wont do it streight but if you did it streight how long would it take?