Appealed twice and got copy-pasted responses both times when I felt my appeals deserved some kind of hand written explanation. I did the deed, I accept my punishment, but the thing that irks me is we spend literally days of our lives (/played) gearing our toons, setting up macros, farming gold legitimately, and all they can do is copy-paste some bullshit essentially telling you to go fuck yourself? That's not right. I understand there's thousands of appeals but think about all the hours of playtime investment they just banned. You'd think they could employ a few more monkeys to write out legitimate explanations as to why this guy got a 72 hr ban and you got perma-ban'd.
In the end the holy dollar rules especially with a company like Blizzard, who are betting a majority of you will re-sub and pay your monthly sub again eventually. Since we have no legal recourse for our bans, the best way to stick it to Blizzard is simply to move on and not play their games anymore.
I've been banned countless times, not something I'm proud of, in the end it usually benefits me on the whole. I feel almost obligated to log in sometimes. The ban changes things. I could go on and on about how toxic wow players are today, but that's besides the scope of this post.
This PQR ban pisses me off because Blizzard handed out 72 hr suspensions and permanent bans without rhyme or reason.
Seems it was a lottery whether you got perma'd or a 3 day break from WoW. That's really dumb. My lottery # was perma-ban apparently.
Would like to say I'm done with wow but who knows I might return for Warlords, depends how bored I am when it launches.
I posted this here because ownedcore sucks btw