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Appeal Process? Anyone heard from Blizz yet?

Could you please add some info of how you got the ban lifted??

I sent in a ticket about 35 hours ago that basically said that I didn't bot and it must have been a mistake (this was obviously a lie), and how I've been playing this game off and on since 2006 and never had a problem since. They never ended up responding to my ticket and I was growing impatent so i used there callback service under the issue of "account locked". I could not use the banned or suspended appeal option because the only way you can talk to them is through tickets. They called me in about 10 minutes and I forgot I have my account synced with my house phone so I did not answer it, right after that they sent me an email saying i was not replying to my phone but they see that my account was banned for third party software. It went on saying that they knew for sure my account was being botted but they would give me a second chance.
They can track it directly back to me if they really want to, everything I have written in my appeal is the truth.
You really missed the point of the suggestion, didn't you. Don't you think Blizz would "Hmmm" if they saw you bragging about your appeal on a bot forum?
lol, first offense ever, only used PQR for a week to level toons. Never used it for PVP.

Boom, perm ban.
1st appeal answer: "Oh you were banned for botting." That's it. Nothing more. No "reduced time", no "unban", not even a "you're staying banned". Just them saying why I was banned.
Callback feature: "I can't lower your time or unban or anything. It's above our heads." That was that.
2nd appeal: Closed. That's it. They just closed it. No answer or anything. Of course I reopened it. Like wtf?

So.. yeah, this is pretty much some bull crap. I didn't even have PQR on my computer when I was banned. I hadn't used it in months. I never used gatherbuddy or anything either.
Got a pernament ban 01.23 and appealed an hour later. Blizzard responded about 24h later and the punishment was changed to 72h, well a total of 96h if you count the ticket wait time.
The odd thing about mine was, I tried to log in today and it still said banned. I was like wtf it was only a suspension. I log into their site and it still said locked. Checked my email and there was not another notice saying perma only the 72hr one. So I opened a ticket and all of sudden it was unbanned. So I'm not sure what was up with that, it was just odd.
Well, 7 years of playing, and all they wrote to me back was :

Thank you for patiently waiting for a response about your World of Warcraft license. Following a review of your case, I can confirm that the evidence presented was correct, and that the subsequent action taken was appropriate. Our decision in this matter stands, and will not be overturned.

Please note, it is our policy never to reveal details regarding account investigations, beyond the information given in the original notice mail, for privacy and security reasons.

We now consider this matter closed, and would not look to enter into further communication on the matter."

Havent even bothered to answer my 2 questions I've asked them.
Appealed twice both denied Perma ban stands RIP account with 5 90s and 539 hunter
Appealed twice both denied Perma ban stands RIP account with 5 90s and 539 hunter

lol dude, I wasnt even playing that much, im just really sorry to see it go this way
10 90s, all classes but pally. 4 horde and 6 allies. 552 warrior, 550 hunt, 547 rogue/mage/priest/, others are in 520+. 3 chars with full grieves pvp sets. 192 mounts. 18k acheive pts. shit ton of fucking amazing transmog sets on everyone. Spectral tiger. Own alliance lvl 25 guild. 450k gold on alliance and 400k on horde. all just poof
lol dude, I wasnt even playing that much, im just really sorry to see it go this way
10 90s, all classes but pally. 4 horde and 6 allies. 552 warrior, 550 hunt, 547 rogue/mage/priest/, others are in 520+. 3 chars with full grieves pvp sets. 192 mounts. 18k acheive pts. shit ton of fucking amazing transmog sets on everyone. Spectral tiger. Own alliance lvl 25 guild. 450k gold on alliance and 400k on horde. all just poof

A moment of silence for all thats lost :(
You do realise that you haven't lost your achievements/mounts/pets yes?
just buy a new license (or a trial one for free) and add it to the same b.net account, you will retrieve everything

um, all that is crap. it wont give me back all the lvled up chars/gold/gear which is main thing lol
The man above is right I've got 8000+ achievements and 4 Banned wow accounts on the same bnet so far lol. Time to make a 5th and play again.. who knows
Yeah right, wake up son, i reckon u must be retarded since u've been using a crap free bot to do the rotation for u..
lmao kid ahahaha I wasnt using PQR since late Dragon Soul. HB all day for past month.

but still, the main thing are the achievements/mounts/pets which can take years to obtain (or can't even be obtained anymore - like a few FoS).

that dont worth a shit, you can get acheivements by just sneezing

Levelling and gearing up (especially if u're a LFR scrub) takes nothing
Yeah, lvling is so much fun. to lvl up 10 chars w/o heirlooms and gold support. Yes, im a horrible LFR scrub with 2 550+ chars. you must be a complete retard lmao

I've been playing 2 hours a week myself for past 3-4 months. I'm just saying that I cant even sell the acc now, its taken away. So fuck it, ArcheAge is out soonish.
I got perm banned two days ago, and idk what to say in the appeal. What did you guys wrote, can anyone help me with what i should say?
I was attempting to log in to the game today when I came upon a nice message stating that the account is banned. I had been letting my child play on the account and would like to know what he may have done. I'd like to appeal the decision that led to the account being banned. If I cannot get this ban overturned, I will be closing the account out with Blizzard Entertainment. Thank you for your understanding.

#1 2 days agoBabsmorthus Customer Service Representative


License Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Offense: Abuse of the Economy

The actions detailed above have been deemed inappropriate for World of Warcraft. Due to the accumulation of previous infraction, as well as the above infraction, this World of Warcraft license has been reviewed for closure. After review, we have determined that the World of Warcraft license will not be closed. However, a 72 hour license suspension has been applied.

After conclusion of the current suspension, any further infractions of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use may result in permanent termination of game license access. During the remainder of the suspension, please review the World of Warcraft Policy section at https://battle.net/support/article/100644.

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact us: http://www.battle.net/support/ticket/submit

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.

#2 1 day ago xxxxxxxxxxx

Let us be sure this type of error on Blizzard Entertainment's part does not happen again.
Due to the accumulation of previous infraction, as well as the above infraction, this World of Warcraft license has been reviewed for closure. After review, we have determined that the World of Warcraft license will not be closed. However, a 72 hour license suspension has been applied.
It's a suspension, not a ban. Suspensions aren't usually overturned. The offense was abuse of the economy.

My question is if you're blaming the suspension on your child's use of the account, why would you come to a bot forum?
It's a suspension, not a ban. Suspensions aren't usually overturned. The offense was abuse of the economy.

My question is if you're blaming the suspension on your child's use of the account, why would you come to a bot forum?


he's sharing what he wrote in his appeal .........