I was permabanned yesterday (no warnings, no previous bans). I sent a ticket, 22 hours later it was answered and turned into a 72 hour suspension on a final warning. I'm happy to share what I wrote in my ticket if it helps anyone that hasn't been banned or suspended before:
Hello, unfortunately today I've received an email that this account has been banned/terminated due to cheating.
I had only recently reactivated and upgraded the account for my brother to use, on the promise that he returned the favour by giving me gold ingame. I now see that he has decided to use a 3rd party program in order to do so. To say that I'm angry at him (and at my own naivety for believing that he would do so legitimately) is an understatement...
I've read your support guidelines about bans and fully understand that as the account holder, I am deemed responsible for any activity on the account. However, as a WoW player of 6 years that has never received an infraction of any sort, I'm appealing that you please forgive my ignorance for letting him use the account without my supervision.
I am a firm believer of education before permanent infraction, and believe me when I say that I have definitely learnt my lesson as far as he is concerned. I am more than happy to return any gold that he had gained through illegitimate means.
If it is at all possible to have the account unlocked for me (and ONLY me!!) to use in future, I would be extremely appreciative.
Thank you for your consideration.