thanks for ur time kaihaider
the problom happen with trooper , i dont know if there other class's will get same
but now i make new trooper and done 1-10 quest's , he travel to fleet and ask me to choose spec , i choose commando , then he run to airport and travel to Coruscant , when he be there the bot ask me to restart buddywing and choose Coruscant quest
i do what he asked me and when i press start he wont move
i have other class lvl 10 and bot ask me to choose spec and i choose gunslinger , and he do what trooper do , run to airport then travel to Coruscant ,also bot ask me to restart , i do restart and choose Coruscant quest , he work fine now
the problom in trooper not my PC or Bot
before i have warrior and i reach lvl 50 by quests and grind
only trooper wont move