int decision = rand() % 11;
if (decision >= 5)
// ok, account lucky.. lets not ban
How do you know that that isn't exactly what they do?
Here's a tinfoil hat idea for you that has actually been proposed by the HB staff itself (I believe it was actually Hawker or Bossland himself):
Blizzard has never been complete or even thorough with their bans. Although they do hit a high percentage of botting accounts, they come nowhere close to catching the entire botting community at any given time. It's very possible that Blizz picks and chooses or runs a script similar to what you proposed in your reply that randomizes the bans. It's a very efficient way to rile up the HB community, makes people quit, wastes developer time trying to figure out why some accounts were missed, make Blizzard look smarter than they probably are and keeps everyone guessing except Blizzard themselves to how their practices work.
So yes, it very well may be dumb, blind luck that saves some accounts and not others.
All I can say is that 3 of my 5 current accounts were caught and banned, 2 others were missed. 1 of the accounts that was spared was doing the EXACT SAME activity, using the EXACT SAME profile, using the EXACT SAME HB key, in the EXACT SAME guild on the EXACT SAME account, using the EXACT SAME computer on the EXACT SAME internet connection that 2 of the 3 accounts were running. That account just so happens to be my main account that has dodged banwaves every time they've occurred.
If there isn't some element of luck to it, I'd sure love for you to point out what exactly caused them to miss my main while killing my bots that were doing the same activity as the others.