As per title. I love flameblast and want to use it as main skill (flameblast prolif) but ER at the moment is not working properly, as it doesn't stop charging and just continously charges past the max stack setting.
If I could code it (which I can't) it'd be awesome to have a stack setting different for bosses and trash. Trash would only be 1 or 2 stacks, bosses 5 or 6 etc
If not, does anyone have any suggestions for skills ER can use that would be effective with a ignite prolif build? Fire trap is good, but cannot spam that one so no good for ER.
If I could code it (which I can't) it'd be awesome to have a stack setting different for bosses and trash. Trash would only be 1 or 2 stacks, bosses 5 or 6 etc
If not, does anyone have any suggestions for skills ER can use that would be effective with a ignite prolif build? Fire trap is good, but cannot spam that one so no good for ER.